Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Alternative Publications Update

IN EARLY MARCH we published an article entitled New Alternative Publications On The Way! At the time, it gave details of three publications that were due to be released – or were in the early planning stages and would be due out later on this year. The three publications were the Isle of Wight Voice (Issue 1), Fourth World Review (Issue 154) and New Horizon (Issue 2).

All members and supporters of the National Liberal Party will know by now that the Isle of Wight Voice came out earlier this month.

As our article Get your FREE copy of the Isle of Wight Voice! notes, its main article consists of an interview with Glen Maney – the National Secretary of the National Liberal Party. It highlights the dire jobs situation on the Island.

It says that Cameron and Clegg are doing nothing to alleviate the economic and social problems there. They seem to be more interested in the internal affairs of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya than looking after fellow Britons on the Island.

Glen Maney has told us that the Isle of Wight Voice has gone down a storm on the Island. Therefore, don’t be surprised to read of plans for Issue 2 in the near future!

In the meantime, why not get hold of your copy today? Simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com and ask for your FREE pdf copy of the Isle of Wight Voice (Issue 1).

The next alternative publication due for release is Fourth World Review.

Issue 154 of 4WR will consist of four major interviews. All were conducted by Wayne John Sturgeon (who, along with Graham Williamson, is the Joint Editor of the magazine). Those interviewed include Kevin Craig of Vine and Fig Tree, Henry Law of the Land Value Taxation Campaign, Dr. Vernon Coleman, the well-known anti-EU activist and author and Frank Taylor of the Runnymede Project

One major confirmed article (to date) is Panjaab – A Forgotten Palestine! A Small Nation Versus Indian Superstate by Jagdeesh Singh. On a similar theme, 4WRs new series, Raising a Voice for Small Nations, will also includes updates from Sri Lanka and Sicily.

There are also several book reviews planned.

We can also reveal that 4WR now has a Facebook page. It can be used for 4WR-related announcements and debates. Why now check it out? If you’re on Facebook, simply type in Fourth World Review in the ‘Search’ bar at the top of your home page.

Once Issue 154 is ready we’ll let you know. In the meantime, those wishing to obtain a copy of Issue 153 of 4WR should simply e-mail John Papworth at papworthjohn@yahoo.co.uk and ask for a FREE pdf copy.

The third publication is New Horizon. This is the National Liberal Party’s ideological journal. Issue 2 will be out within the next couple of months.

We’ll bring you more information about NH in due course. However, we can confirm that it will contain a major article on trade unions. Liberalism and Trade Unions will look at the development of the Trade Union movement in Britain and the Continent. The article covers all forms of unions – from those that are Marxist in orientation to those that are Christian as well as Liberal “unions that also rejected socialism but were non-confessional and sought to unite all workers, regardless of religion or sometimes trade i.e. covering blue and white collar workers.”

The New Horizon article then poses a couple of thought-provoking questions: What should the role of Trade unions be in a (National) Liberal ‘society’? and Where would Trade Unions fit in?

Readers will have to wait until the new issue of NH appears to find out the answers – so keep your eyes peeled for further news!

Whilst on the subject of Trade Unions, we understand that Issue 7 of British Worker should be out towards the end of this month. It’s is the agitprop paper of Solidarity Trade Union.

Solidarity (named after the famous non-communist Polish trade union, Solidarność) describes itself as “an independent, autonomous and free nationalist union formed at the end of 2005.” Its membership is open to all British workers – and it doesn’t discriminate on grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, politics or religion.

Intriguingly, it terms itself “a pan-nationalist and inter-nationalist (as opposed to an internationalist!) union.” It is also “libertarian, progressive, free-thinking and non-dogmatic in outlook.”

The National Liberal Party understands that this new issue may be used to launch two new union campaigns – one encouraging people to ‘Buy British!’ the other around the theme of ‘No Cuts In Jobs Or Services!’.

Whilst talking about Solidarity, we were recently sent a copy of their publication Scottish Worker. It raised interesting – and legitimate – questions about how far the State should go to protect ordinary working people. Scottish Worker called for more government (ie the State) action to avoid more lay offs and unemployment.

For anti-Statist groups (like ourselves) this presents something of a dilemma! The NLP is against too much state interference. However, in the case presented by Scottish Worker, we agree that the state has to step in and exercise its authority.

This leads us on rather neatly to news about the well-respected Third Way Think Tank. Formed in 2005, it has produced Third Way magazine on a very irregular basis. On saying that, the themes covered in 3W have been very interesting – for instance, it has looked at subjects as diverse as Taking Liberties, Tolkien and Politics and Catholic Social Teaching.

We’ve heard on the grapevine that the Third Way Think Tank hopes to re-launch 3W magazine sometime later this year. We understand that it’ll continue to explore themes, but this new issue will act as some kind of ‘devils advocate.’ Apparently, it’ll ask searching questions of progressive nationalism! We believe that it will attempt to iron out any contradictions that may exist in progressive nationalist thinking and ideology.

We understand that the Third Way Think Tank will be making an in-depth announcement concerning 3W magazine on their web-site – www. thirdway.eu – in due course.

In the meantime, the National Liberal Party hopes to keep on providing updates on all of the above (and maybe even more!) alternative publications. Therefore, we’d recommend that you revisit this site on a fairly regular basis.

Read this article in conjunction with:

New Alternative Publications On The Way! (Published on 8 March 2012) http://nationalliberal.org/new-alternative-publications-on-the-way

Isle of Wight Voice – Coming Soon! (Published on 22 March 2012) http://nationalliberal.org/isle-of-wight-voice-%E2%80%93-coming-soon

Scottish Update (Published on 24 March 2012) http://nationalliberal.org/scottish-update

Get your FREE copy of the Isle of Wight Voice! (Published on 7 April 2012) http://nationalliberal.org/get-your-free-copy-of-the-isle-of-wight-voice

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