Tuesday, 22 October 2024


The National Liberal Party represents those of us who believe that our individual rights and our collective (community and nation) needs, require protection.
Those who are happy to let the state take all decisions on our behalf (socialists) or would leave everything to the survival of the fittest (conservatives), jockey for power in their parties and the country. We instead, would let the people (always) decide upon their future via Referendums.

We believe that the average voter values their individual freedoms and privacy from being invaded by the state (or private corporations). You can sign our petition against the surveillance society at http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/say-no-to-the-surveillance-society.html.

We believe they value their culture and nationhood. We have nothing to fear from Referendums but the establishment has everything to fear!
Sadly, nothing will change without struggle and the establishment politicians will not surrender their positions, power (and expenses!) easily. Only by campaigning and/or supporting those that are will anything change.

To help us develop, to help us campaign for change we urge all of you to join today. Please go to the website at http://nationalliberal.org/?page_id=727


If you are not yet ready to sign up why not join our facebook groups? To keep abreast of the latest National Liberal website news
click on http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/National-Liberal-Party/160937907279184 or to join into debate click onto http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/52739504313/.


The membership fee for the National Liberal Party is £25 (£20 for ‘unwaged’ e.g. Senior Citizens, students, unemployed and under 18’s).

You may join via the website http://www.nationaliberal.org using your debit or credit card or by a cheque payable to the ‘National Liberal Party’ and sent to the NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PX. Help build a fresh alternative to what’s on offer!
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