Thursday, 12 December 2024

The National Liberal Party supports the value of the small shopkeeper, both as an independent owner and as part of the ‘glue’ that helps cement a vibrant community. It is not a co-incidence that the decline of the shopkeeper has gone hand in hand with the decline (in many areas) of ‘Community Spirit’. Anything that protects those that remain is a good thing.
The Tescoploy Team i.e. those who have been exposing what ‘dirty tricks’ one of our largest supermarkets have been up to are running a campaign in support of introducing a Supermarket watchdog to protect the consumer and their smaller suppliers. See below and support!:

Dear Friends,

Take action

As you know we have campaigned long and hard for a new supermarket watchdog. We are hoping that the Bill (to introduce the watchdog) will be announced in the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday 9th May, and that it will be read in the next session of Parliament.

Please take this quick on-line action to ask your MP to write to The Rt Hon Dr Vince Cable MP – the Minister responsible – calling for:

  • a Bill introducing a supermarket watchdog to be included in the next Queen’s Speech.
  • powers for the watchdog to fine supermarkets and launch investigations based on credible information from third parties (e.g. trade associations, unions and charities).

Best wishes,

The Tescopoly Team

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