Tuesday, 14 January 2025

What The Papers Say – Shop Local!

FOR SOME time now, the National Liberal Party has featured a Letters of the Month section, which can be found here: http://nationalliberal.org/letters-of-the-month

According to the introduction to the Letters of the Month section, it “hosts letters published in local or national papers from members or supporters. We encourage you to write something that refers to the party or one of our policies.” Readers are asked to then send in copies of successfully printed letters to the NLPs e-mail address: natliberal@aol.com

We’d now like to extend this idea to include articles that have appeared in the media (especially in the local media) which are broadly in accordance with our ideas. We believe that there are lots of people out there who are naturally ‘national liberal’ in their views – but are unaware that the NLP exist as a political movement! (However, it should be noted that, the printing of such articles in this new What the Papers Say section does not imply that the writer or the media source are official members or supporters of the NLP.)

Here we reproduce a centre-piece article which appeared in last month’s issue of the West Belfast-based Shankill Extra. The Shankill Extra appears to be a successor paper to the old Shankill Mirror. Eagle-eyed readers may recall that we featured an article from the Mirror late last year: http://nationalliberal.org/what-the-papers-say-big-brother-is-watching-you

The article featured a banner heading Support Your Local Trader and carried the strapline A Great Place To Shop. Whilst the brief article – which was accompanied by a host of small adverts for local traders – specifically refers to the Shankill, what is said could refer to any local shopping area.

Shop Local!

IT WAS once said that it didn’t matter what you were looking for, whether it was a needle or an anchor, the Shankill Road was the place to go. The anchor might be a bit harder to find these days but you never know! This special Traders Adverts in the Shankill Extra is to highlight the wide range of businesses and services that you can avail of and it is quite literally on your door step.


1. The more our community buys from Shankill Road traders the more money stays within our community.

2. Local shops and businesses provide goods and services that local people want.

3. Buying locally strengthens local ties – many of the Shankill businesses are owned and run by local people who are our friends and neighbours who have helped build our community.

4. We can all choose to spend our money – spending locally is our positive choice to support the local economy.

5. Local spending will help maintain a vibrant Shankill Road, with no empty shops and less vandalism.

6. A unique character of the Shankill is the number of totally independent businesses. Spending it local will keep it local.

7. As the largest group of employers across Northern Ireland small businesses provide most jobs for local people.

8. Get a good service – local businesses employ local people who understand the needs of local people.

9. You can do your bit for the environment, reduce your carbon footprint and keep fit! – walk to your local shops and services.

10. Local services offer the personal touch and sure you can always have a bit of crack and catch up on the local gossip!

Remember, by buying local you will – Support your local trader – Support your local community and Support your Neighbours.

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