Saturday, 8 February 2025

Welsh Youth Say BreXit Now!
WALES voted for Brexit.  The exact figures from the EU Referendum of June 2016 show that 854,572 (52.5%) voters in Wales chose to leave the EU, compared with 772,347 (47.5%) supporting Remain.
A massive turnout (over 70%) saw the vast bulk of Wales’ council areas voting for Leave with a majority in 17 backing Brexit.  This meant that only five areas – Gwynedd, Cardiff, Ceredigion, the Vale of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire – voted for Remain.
Indeed, the vote in Wales – along with that in England – meant that the UK would leave the European Union.
Although the Welsh establishment wanted to remain in the EU, the electorate thought otherwise.  They voted with both their head and heart and opted for a future outside of what – in our view – is rapidly turning into an extremely centralist political and economic system.
The vision of Liberal Future (LF) is of free and independent European nations running their internal affairs in the way that suits them best.  This is the polar opposite of the EU which is rapidly merging into an anti-democratic United States of Europe.
Despite this urge for Welsh freedom (away from the EU) the Welsh Government spent over £84,000 on the Brexit case at the Supreme Court in London.  As this news report notes, the Welsh Government were forced to deny that the case was a bid to block Brexit.
So much for the politicians respecting the will of the electorate!
Despite elements of the Welsh (and British) establishment trying their best to prevent Brexit, the latest news indicates that Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that the UK is still on course to leave the EU
It’s clear that the Remainers – or Remaniacs as some folks call them! – intend to frustrate this.  Who knows what they will try before or after Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is served by the end of March?
Therefore, it is up to those who voted for Brexit to continue fighting for independence, freedom and democracy.

• THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with the following:
Liberal Future Says BreXit Now!
English Youth Say BreXit Now!
Scottish Youth Say BreXit Now!
Ulster Youth Say BreXit Now!
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