Tuesday, 14 January 2025

‘We DEMAND a Referendum’ (Always!)

Members of the National Liberal Party attended the recent launch of the new group ‘We demand a referendum’ in London. The group, largely the brainchild of hard-working Midland’s MEP Nikki Sinclaire, has been formed for one reason only, namely to DEMAND an in/out referendum on the EU.

Treated to an excellent array of speakers, the audience were reminded that all the main Westminster parties, the ‘gang of three’, had at one time or another promised the people an opportunity to vote on a matter of great constitutional importance. Yet, after many years, we are no nearer to a vote. An explanatory speech by Nikki Sinclaire was followed by a highly professional business expose of the EU by ‘Apprentice’ star Katie Hopkins, and then followed by an inspirational one by leader of the Christian party George Hargreaves. The latter explained that his first political involvement was with Sir James Goldsmith’s short-lived Referendum Party in the 1990’s. The new group see themselves very much a part of that legacy. They certainly don’t see themselves as Xenophobes.

The appearance of ex-UKIP leader Roger Knapman also highlights a growing number of euro-sceptics who believe that UKIP has had its day and is no longer fit for purpose. Indeed, David Davies MP’s latest description of them as ”an alternative Conservative party”, reaffirms its limited constituency. In contrast ‘We demand a Referendum’ believe they can reach out to all social classes and voters with their simple demand.

They are a single-issue and single election party, in that if no referendum is agreed by the beginning of 2014 they will stand candidates in all UK regions in that years European elections.

The NLP demands referendums, always!

As National Liberals we believe that the use of referendums (and Initiatives) should be constitutionally a fixed element and indeed major part of our political system (similar to Switzerland). Our relationship with the EU is a perfect reason for a referendum. Whilst we would, theoretically, prefer the UK to attempt a renegotiation of our relationship from a position of strength whilst the Eurozone is in crisis, a vote on its outcome (if any) and staying in or out is a must!

The National Liberal Party does expect to take an exciting part in those elections (tba) but as believers in political cooperation we wish the new group well in their endeavours and look forward to working together with all who wish to empower our citizens in the best interests in the country and our people.

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