Saturday, 27 July 2024

Support These Trade Union Demos!
SATURDAY 20 OCTOBER will see three massive demonstrations organised by the Trades Union Congress – TUC.
Calling for A Future That Works, they will take place in Belfast, Glasgow and London. It’s anticipated that the main march and demo – to be held in Central London – will be as large as last year’s March for the Alternative. It too was organised by the TUC and it attracted over 500,000 people.

The demos scheduled for later this month are to protest at the Con-Dem Government’s continuing Austerity programme, which has seen thousands of jobs slashed and essential services cut to the bone.

Members and supporters of the National Liberal Party are encouraged to support their nearest march and demonstration.

For further details and updates check out the TUC web-site – – or the National Liberal Trade Unionist Facebook group –!/groups/277840098977231/?fref=ts
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