THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has just produced the latest in its series of e-posters aimed at promoting local shopping in London. They represent just one part of our campaign to support Upkar Singh Rai, the NLPs prospective candidate for 2016 London Mayor.
Upkar is standing on a Quality of Life ticket – and central to this campaign is his support for local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.
Just imagine what it’d be like if all of our local shops went to the wall – wiped out by a combination of exorbitant local business rates, the growth of out-of-town superstores and the immoral banking system, whereby the banks create credit out of nothing and then charge interest on it!
If this happened we’d all end up as slaves to the multi-nationals!
With this in mind – and the fact that Christmas is just around the corner – we’d urge all members and supporters to carefully read the article that follows. We’ll be repeating it again nearer Christmas, however, the NLP feels that it’s absolutely vital that we promote the concept of localism. For localism supports the local production and consumption of goods and it puts the local economy, community and environment first!
YES – it’s that time of year again – Christmas is coming! But in your haste to do the shopping, don’t forget the local shops and businesses in your area. Give them an early Christmas present by shopping locally today.
The National Liberal Party knows that times are hard and price considerations are obviously very important, but many small shops depend on their Christmas trade to see them through much of the following year. At present, many shopkeepers are hit hard by the recession which was brought on by ‘casino capitalism’ – a mixture of greed and mistakes made by the politicians, bankers, ‘fat cats’ and speculators. Shopkeepers are also hit hard by high interest rates and the criminal bank debt-system.
The shopkeeper, as a self-employed businessman or woman, plays a vital role in the local economy. (And don’t forget that these small shops collectively employ hundreds of thousands of workers throughout the length and breadth of Britain). Local shops are not only important for the elderly and young mothers, but are part of the glue that helps to maintain community spirit – a place to bump into friends, neighbours and relatives.
If we don’t support our local shops and businesses today, we may lose them forever. Then people will have no other choice to travel directly into the nearest city or town centre for the smallest of items. This may be ok if you have your own transport and are fit and healthy. However, the elderly or young mothers wouldn’t really look forward to beating a path through the massive Saturday shopping crowds found in our large towns and cities.
The message is clear. For the community spirit to survive and prosper, we must give local shops as much trade as possible. The National Liberal Party says support your local shops, shopkeepers and shop workers. Shop locally this Christmas!
THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with the following: