Saturday, 7 September 2024

The Price of Freedom ….Death!

In the light of the terrible school massacre in Connecticut our resident poet Jasan reflects upon the hypocracy of the US stand on the right to bear arms but its demand that other countries cannot arm themselves (with missles, nukes etc).

The Price of Freedom ….Death!

To the earth’s greatest nation’s shame,
It’s being held to a shameful ransom
On 2nd amendment by blinded some!
Does it sink in how silly this’ve become
As often as regularly changing seasons,
Walk in gun slinging youth ‘nd men
Into schools ‘nd colleges to gun down
Lives – infants, adults- in violent termination!
As often to the world, from a high ground,
This nation preaches rights and obligations
And yet it won’t right the flows of its constitution –
Smacking the conscience of the world to question
Its self proclaimed position as a moral bastion
Though admirable the stance on freedom,
The gun lobby’s misplaced ‘nd blinded pride
Seem a travesty to a nation’s preaching stride;
And rings death bell to it’s inflated global wisdom.

If freedom to hold a gun so sacrosanct,
To own a nuke too, a nation’s sovereign right –
Would argue a cynic; both in the hands
Of the unbalanced mind would kill humans.
Right to life of those get gunned down,
And the loved ones grieving for life times
Deserve better constitutional solution,
Than what’s on offer at present times.
© All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate-whether for sale or non-commercial distribution, should be addressed to Jason @ e-mail

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