Tuesday, 14 January 2025

News from the Liberty Wall – Nations without States

Self-Determination for all!

The self-determinist group Nations without States was launched its own public event on World Human Rights Day (10th) and the 54th anniversary of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. A document entitled A Declaration for Self-Determination (SD) was handed into the EU London office (and forwarded to the UN and No. 10) calling upon the International Community (IC) to recognise SD as a human right.

The document highlighted how various international bodies have supported the concept since the League of Nations through to the UN in its founding articles and subsequent declarations. Download it HERE.

Despite the aforesaid Declarations and Charters, across the globe numerous small nations continue suffer brutal persecution, repression and genocide, by large, imperious super-states. In particular, the process of decolonisation was flawed in that the Colonial Administrative ‘units’ were composed of various nations and were left in situ when the colonial powers departed. This left a mess, largely resulting in the larger nation imposing its will on the smaller nation(s).

This has left many countless millions of people suffering discrimination and worse and attempts to find a way out through a process of self-determination is met with violence. Many countries Constitutions even make any calls for self-determination illegal.

NwS are calling upon the IC to reflect upon the injustice done to ‘small people in general and Self-determinist activists in particular. The document recommends:

1. A special meeting with the UN Secretary-General, and the European Commission, to discuss and establish a democratic dialogue on the burning issue of unfulfilled justice and freedom for small nations.

2. The establishment of a specific UN forum on small, stateless nations, and their rights under the various UN declarations aforementioned.

3. The UN should review all existing states of the world to identify, where applicable, separate nations and thereafter evaluate the demands of their representatives whether for integration, autonomy or independence. If such representatives call for greater devolution or separation, the UN should offer, promote, and organise wherever possible self-determination referendums within existing states amongst the peoples of such nation(s).

4. We request a consultative NGO status in various international bodies for the NATIONS WITHOUT STATES, as a collective campaign voice for these small nations, together with a voice for groups campaigning and representing the various individual small nations (similar to the Transnational Italian Radical Party).

Although various institutions can help, NwS believes the European Union can play a large part in implementing, or influencing other bodies including the UN, the calls listed above and should take a view that states that make it illegal for their citizens to call for the right to self-determination are not fundamentally democratic and therefore must forfeit certain diplomatic and economic privileges vis a vis the EU (or from individual states that support this initiative).

After handing in the Declaration delegates, representing various SD groups worldwide, leafleted Sikhs attending a meeting to discuss the genocide of their people with some NwS literature. A similar meeting of Tamils on the same subject were addressed by a number of the delegates, some of whom detailed the problems self-determinists suffer in their own homelands.

NwS exists primarily to promote the concept of self-determination (supported by the IC in principle but no longer in practice) and facilitate cooperation between the various SD Diasporas in the UK (the first of its kind). A new initiative in that regard will be launched in the New Year. Until then anyone wishing to support NwS should, for now, join the facebook group Nations without States.

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