Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Tag » Scottish

For A Free Scotland In A Free Europe!

“ISSUE TWO of Caledonian Voice looks superb! Well done. The masthead is an improvement on issue 1, and I thought it looked pretty good, so progress all round.” That was the reaction of one Scottish National Liberal Party member when he saw the latest issue of Caledonian Voice.

As we noted in our recent article concerning our Scottish national publication – see http://nationalliberal.org/issue-2-of-caledonian-voice-due-soon – it examines the EU and finds much wanting. It feels that it is increasingly totalitarian. It also describes the EU as a bureaucratic regime” that employs a form of central planning “very similar to that employed by the old Soviet Union.”

It believes that the EU serves no national interest in Europe and appears to be just the mechanism through which bankers and super-rich elites ply their ‘trade.’ CV2 would describe itself as anti-EU – but not anti-European. Indeed, it looks forward to the day when a Free Scotland can take its place in a Free Europe!

To get hold of your FREE pdf copy, simply e-mail natliberal@aol and ask for issue 2 of Caledonian Voice to be sent to you as soon as possible.

WHILST on the subjects of national freedom and the EU, check out these two feeds on Twitter: @Self_Determ_Day and @NATIONAL_LIBERA

KEEP your eyes peeled for issue 2 of English Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in England – and issue 3 of Nation – Newsletter of Nations without States – both of which are due out in the next few weeks. We also understand that issue 156 of Fourth World Review is its early planning stages. As soon as we hear more about any of these publications we’ll let you know.

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