Sunday, 8 September 2024

Self-Determination For All! – Self-Determinists Respect Difference!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is using the forthcoming European Elections as a platform to promote the concept of Self-Determination For All!

As Self-Determination is a universal human right, our eight brave candidates represent different racial, ethnic, national and religious groupings. Indeed, our Euro-campaign represents a practical demonstration of the slogan Unity through Diversity!

In this brief mini-series, we’re featuring our eight London-Region Euro Candidates. We’ve already looked at Dr Yussef Anwar, Bernard Dube, Doris Jones, Upkar Singh Rai and Jagdeesh Singh. Here we look at Sockalingam Yogalingam, who is representing the Tamil community

We Tamils have been deprived of our freedom by the Sri Lankan government since independ-ence in 1948. We have faced rape, torture, death, and displacement in our own home land in 1958, 1977, 1983, 2009 and now.

We need to liberate our Tamil people from the on-going genocide by a referendum on creating our own state (Tamil Eelam). We need to take this case inside the European Union (EU), and Tamils can make this happen by voting for this list.
‘Thirst for Tamils will be always Tamil Eelam’

Sockalingam Yogalingam,
representing the Tamil community
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