Friday, 18 October 2024

Self-Determination For All! – Love Your People – Love Your Nation
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is using the forthcoming European Elections as a platform to promote the concept of Self-Determination For All!

As Self-Determination is a universal human right, our eight brave candidates represent different racial, ethnic, national and religious groupings. Indeed, our Euro-campaign represents a practical demonstration of the slogan Unity through Diversity!

In this brief mini-series, we look at our eight London-Region Euro Candidates. We kicked off with Dr Yussef Anwar who is representing the Kurdish community, followed up with Bernard Dube who is representing the Matabelen community and then Doris Jones who is representing the North Borneon community. This feature looks at Upkar Singh Rai who is representing the Sikh community
Sikhs have sacrificed their lives for Britain in many wars. It came as a shock to learn that the British Government had colluded with Indian Government on the attack on the Harminder Sahib and the 1984 Genocide.

Our demand for a Government enquiry into this collusion and a further UN led International Enquiry into the subsequent Genocide, is our right but is falling on deaf ears.

It is time to take the fight into the ‘corridors of power’ and rather than endure another 30 years of silence, we must elect our own voice in the European Parliament.

Upkar Singh Rai, representing the Sikh community


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