Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Review of Caledonian Voice

CALEDONIAN VOICE was the first national publication produced by the National Liberal Party way back in July of last year. Hopefully, issue 2 will be out in the not too distant future.

This review of CV has been written by Liam Clarke. As with his previous article The Agenda (click here to view it: Liam’s review is full of passion, sincerity and is highly personal.

Whilst not everyone will agree with everything he says, especially on what constitute a nation or what a Westminster Parliament represents, eaders should know that discussion is absolutely free with the NLP. You can leave any feedback – good, bad or indifferent – on our National Liberal debate page. Check it out on Facebook:

I FIND it beyond belief that David Cameron does not take seriously the threat (posed by the Scottish National Party) to the break up of the United Kingdom. While it is true that the majority of people in Scotland are against leaving the UK, the most passionate are the opposition – those who want independence. Therefore, when the vote eventually does arrive they will be out in force.

To me, Cameron’s stance shows, yet again, that the weakness of the British government has undermined the very patriotism that has kept us together for such a long time. Patriotism means nothing to them.

The Union of free peoples is not an important question in our Eton-educated ‘Mr Slippery’s’ mind. Perhaps because he has been surrounded by people from all the aristocratic families in each of the four sister-nations, he thinks the only reason they want independence is so they can make the rivalry at a rugby match even more intense.

Cameron has no real sense of what the Scottish people want. He hasn’t even bothered to ask them. However, nor has his opponent the Scottish Stalin that is Alex Salmond. He is so filled with racial prejudice that he cannot see beyond the catastrophic figure of Mel Gibson dressed in a skirt and blue paint.

I believe that the Scottish people do not want to be separated from their brothers and sisters across the borders. I think too much water has passed under the bridge for anyone to seriously contemplate that idea.

Nonetheless, many would like to see a more self-sufficient Scotland (but not outright independence) and it seems that the Devo Max solution advocated by Caledonian Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland – provides the answer. Additonally, it will solve the problem of English republicans who call for an English Parliament. Through Devo Max this will become a reality, as with a self-sufficient (but not independent) Scotland, Westminster would become very much an English Parliament.

However, even with Devo-max I’m worried about one thing. Slowly breaking down the barriers by pushing for bigger powers for smaller countries (and England to have its own fully fledged parliament) would not be seen as a victory for Nationalism or Patriotism. I’d see it as a knife through the heart of the very thing I seek to protect – our National Identity.

As progressive National Liberals we long for greater freedom for the individual. Through the ‘Third Way’, the Devo Max option, we can give that to the Scottish people. But even the most ‘free’ individual is one, who can rely on their brothers and sisters whenever trouble may come knocking.

• TO READ another review, which – in part – looks at issue 1 of Caledonian Voice, click here:

• IF YOU’D like to review one of our publications, simply e-mail and ask for a FREE pdf of one of the following publications:

Caledonian Voice – Issue 1

English Voice – Issue 1

Kent Voice – Issue 1

Isle of Wight Voice – Issue 1

Isle of Wight Voice – Issue 2

Liberal Worker – Issue 1

Liberty & Nation – Issue 1

New Horizon – Issue 1

New Horizon – Issue 2

St Andrews (Havering) Voice – August 2012 issue

St Andrews (Havering) Voice – August 2013 issue

• WE ALSO understand that our friends at Fourth World Review (4WR) are looking for reviews of their most recent publications. We can supply FREE pdf review copies of issues 153, 154 and 155. Please return your review to the above e-mail address as 4WR have requested that all reviews go on the Liberty Wall first.

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