Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Publications Galore!
THE LAST YEAR has seen the National Liberal Party (NLP) launch both ideological and agitprop publications. Members and supporters of the NLP have also helped other groups produce publications. These include the longstanding Fourth World Review (4WR) and Freedom‘the Street Paper of Nations without States’.

It all started twelve months ago – in December 2011 – when we produced issue 1 of New Horizon. This is the NLPs ideological e-publication.

April of this year saw issue 1 of the Isle of Wight Voice. It was our first agitprop (or ‘street paper’) style publication. Its double-sided A4 simple style proved to be very popular. Indeed, our other agitprop publications have all been modeled on the IoWV. With this in mind, early July saw the launch of Caledonian Voice – the voice of the NLP in Scotland. And in late July issue 1 of English Voice made an appearance.

September saw issue 2 of New Horizon. A month later we returned to agitprop publications with the launch of Liberty & Nation. This paper is designed to circulate all over the British Isles. At the same time locals in Havering, Essex produced a issue 1 of a local broadsheet, St. Andrews Voice.

The next publication scheduled to roll off of the NLPs production line is issue 1 of Kent Voice. After this we’ll be producing issue 2 of all of our agitprop titles. Look out for reviews and further promotion of both our existing – and new – publications in due course.

Earlier we mentioned 4WR and Freedom. We understand that members of the editorial staff of both publications will be submitting articles (via the Liberty Wall) taking a look at what they’ve produced. Talking about the Liberty Wall, we’ve heard that English Green, National Liberal Trade Unionist and the St. George’s Committee are also considering producing e-publications. We’ll provide further news when we have it.

To get hold of FREE pdf copies of both issues of New Horizon, the Isle of Wight Voice, Caledonian Voice, English Voice, Liberty & Nation and St. Andrews Voice, simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com and ask!

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