Saturday, 7 September 2024

President Trump, The Death Penalty, The EU Referendum & International Women’s Day – What Do They All Have In Common?

President Donald Trump and International Women’s Day have both featured on our regular discussion forum.

PRESIDENT TRUMP, the Death Penalty, the EU Referendum & International Women’s Day – what do they all have in common?  Well nothing that we know of – except that they’ve all been hot topics of debate for National Liberal Party members and supporters!


Let us explain.  Regular readers will know the NLP hosts on-line debates relating to a varirty of subjects.  We do this for a couple of reasons:


• We’ve always been wary of both deliberate lies (now commonly known as ‘fake news’) and also what passes for ‘news’ these days – such as that based on gossip, rumour, speculation, allegation, innuendo, voyeurism and propaganda.


We also reject macho–posturing and gesture politics. National Liberals are therefore in favour of informed and reasoned debate. Here we concentrate on arguments, points of view and facts. We are not interested in personalities, prejudice or promoting self-interest.


• At the very heart of National Liberalism is the desire for self-determination.  The three principle strands of self-determination are national, political and economic.  Political self-determination seeks to ensure that the collective will of the people is reflected in decision making.  One way to do this is via referendums, preferendums.  And these can only be held if we have the absolute right to free speech, free debate and free assembly.


That’s the theory out of the way.  Now we come to the practical.


The best way to take part in our many debates is to wait until they appear on our Facebook page – – and then have your say in the comments section below the article itself.


We hope to hold our 21st debate in the very near future.  In the meantime, readers can cast their eye over the previous twenty:


Ten Of The Best!


National Liberal Debate 11 – Outside Of London Who Should National Liberals

Vote For In The Euro-Elections? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 12 – What’s Our Take On UKIP? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 13 – Should We Bring Back The Death Penalty? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 14 – I Am Charlie. I Am Not Charlie. Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 15 – What Action Should National Liberals Take At The Polling Stations?  Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 16 – How Democratic Will The 2017 EU Referendum Be? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 17 – EU Referendum 2017: What Will Be The Dominant Issues?  Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 18 – Will Peace Ever Be Achieved In The Middle East? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 19 – International Women’s Day – Has Anything Changed? Have Your Say!

National Liberal Debate 20 – President Donald Trump – Have Your Say!

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