REGULAR READERS will have noticed that the National Liberal Party is calling on the electorate not to vote for any of the establishment parties in the forthcoming general election.
However, we’re more than happy for our members and supporters to campaign and cast their votes for non-establishment parties and individuals. This is particularly so for candidates who are standing on local, community-based, issues.
In areas where there are no such candidates standing we’re encouraging folks to mark their ballot paper None Of The Above – NOTA.
‘Voting’ for NOTA isn’t a wasted exercise in the same way as not bothering to vote is. Neither is the same as wasting your vote by scrawling some inane message, doodle or swear words across the ballot paper.
That’s why we’re calling for those who feel disenfranchised with the current system to do something intelligent and positive with their vote. Those who want to protest at what they perceve as a lack of choice should therefore register their vote as None Of The Above – NOTA!