New Horizon – coming soon!
THE National Liberal Party is working on the first issue of its ideological magazine, New Horizon. This was previously the name of a journal published by the Liberal Nationals/National Liberals between 1942 – 1968.
New Horizon will initially be produced as an e-magazine. The first issue is expected to include articles on Democracy, the Environment, the NHS, the Economy, Civil Liberties, as well as Reviews and much, much more.
The e-zine will be edited by Graham Williamson, a leading figure in the National Liberal Party.
Graham has also written an article about the NLP for issue two of Liveable Nation. LN describes itself as the ‘Newsletter and Think-Tank of Progressive Nationalism’.
Graham said:
“I was asked by the editor of the think-tank Liveable Nation for an article explaining the tenets of National Liberalism. In the article I explain how the NLP draws upon the tradition of patriotic liberalism once predominant in 19th century Europe, with a long lineage in Britain from Chamberlain to Roseberry to Hoare-Belisha.
It also calls upon people to get involved in building a modern day progressive patriotic movement – one which will carve out a niche in British politics – by joining the National Liberal Party.”
It’s expected that Liveable Nation will appear within the next couple of weeks. And the first issue of New Horizon is due to be issued in September. Watch this space!
Date: August 5, 2011
Categories: Party News, UK News