Saturday, 27 July 2024

New Addition To The Liberty Wall!
NATIONAL LIBERALS will be familiar with the new Facebook site Free Speech: How Do We Protect It?

Formed earlier this year – to mark the 800th Anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta – it aims to promote, protect and preserve civil and religious liberties for all. Of particular interest to the group is when “elements of the State try to restrict freedom of speech and assembly.”

Despite only being formed in May, the group have already produced the first issue of their publication, Free Speech. They have also indicated that they intend to produce other promotional and educational outreach material in due course.

As a party that advocates free speech, the National Liberal Party is helping to distribute Free Speech. With this in mind, to get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Free Speech, simply e-mail

We can also now announce that the group has just been added to the Liberty Wall.

The Liberty Wall is where we provide details of pressure groups and publications that promote ideas we can broadly support. In this way the NLP can help promote those groups whilst showcasing to our viewers some of the concepts that underpin our beliefs.

Check out the Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? entry on the Liberty Wall here:

• DEBATE is free with the NLP! The National Liberal Party would really appreciate your comments – good bad or indiffent – on the above article. To share your views, simply e-mail us or look out for this article on the National Liberals facebook site and have your say in the comments section.

• FOR all your international, national, local news and debates check out the National Liberals facebook site It is usually updated on an hourly basis so it’s best to visit on a regular basis!

• ALSO check out the National Liberal Party’s Twitter feed @NATIONAL_LIBERA

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