Tuesday, 14 January 2025

National Liberal Party – Tales from the Liberty Wall – 4WR

4WR Supporters Bulletin

AS WE’VE noted previously, a National Liberal Party meeting unveiled plans for a new section on the party website to be known as the ‘Liberty Wall’, hosting pages and links to campaigning groups sponsored or supported by the party.” (See our article Steering Committee meets to plan strategy! of 22/04/2012 for full details of the meeting.)

To date, those on the Liberty Wall include the St. George’s Committee, Nations without States, English Green, National Liberal Trade Unionists and Fourth World Review. No doubt more will follow in due course.

However, as well as promoting various groups and causes on the Liberty Wall, the NLP also wants to feature news, views and bulletins from those groups. Also – and in accordance with our well-known Libertarian stance – we’d be happy to host debates as well.

This means that the Liberty Wall will become a vital ‘two way street’ in terms of information, policy and debate. We’d therefore encourage each and every group to send the NLP as many articles as possible so that we can all help to build the Liberty Wall!

With this in mind, we’ve reproduced a 4WR Supporters Bulletin, which, we understand, is being distributed at the moment. It provides both an update concerning the next issue of 4WR (issue 154) and an idea of future developments, including promoting 4WR’s idea of ‘Small is Beautiful!’ via dozens – if not hundreds of – local newsletters.”

As soon as we get any more information from 4WR – or from any of the other groups on the Liberty Wall – we’ll let you know. In the meantime, here’s the (above mentioned) 4WR Supporters Bulletin:

4WR Supporters Bulletin – May 2012

Dear 4WR Supporter –

The next issue of Fourth World Review should be out towards the end of this month.

Issue 154 of 4WR will consist of two major interviews. Both were conducted by Wayne John Sturgeon. Those interviewed are Henry Law of the Land Value Taxation Campaign and Dr. Vernon Coleman, the well-known anti-EU activist and author.

One major confirmed article is Panjaab – A Forgotten Palestine! A Small Nation Versus Indian Superstate by Jagdeesh Singh. On a similar theme, 4WRs new series, Raising a Voice for Small Nations, will also include updates from Sri Lanka and Sicily.

I have written an editorial on ‘Advertising’ and an article entitled Political Progress. This notes:

“At heart we are engaged in a battle between the power of morality and that of money. We can only win by making the local community, the place where personal relationships can prevail over impersonal mass power relationships, a significant core of decision-making power.”

We’ve also got four book reviews plus several other items of interest. Also look out for the cover of this issue of 4WR. I can guarantee that it’ll be a case of ‘once seen, never forgotten!’

Once issue 154 is ready we’ll let you know. Until then, why not treat a friend, family member or work mate to a FREE pdf copy of the last issue of 4WR? Simply send their e-mail address to me at papworthjohn@yahoo.co.uk and I’ll send them a copy of issue 153.

I can also reveal that 4WR now has a Facebook page. It can be used for 4WR-related announcements and debates. Why now check it out? If you’re on Facebook, simply type in Fourth World Review in the ‘Search’ bar at the top of your home page.

John Papworth, Founder, Fourth World Review.

PS: Do you have (or do you know anyone who has) experience of fund-raising? The current Editorial Board wish to promote 4WR’s idea of ‘Small is Beautiful!’ via dozens – if not hundreds of – local newsletters. We are looking for people who are willing to help with the financing, writing, production and distribution of these newsletters. Please get in touch as soon as possible if you fit the bill!

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