National Liberal Party 2015 General Election Manifesto – Section 7 – Welfare and Social Security
NATIONAL LIBERALS believe that we should protect the most vulnerable in society – for instance, single parents, the elderly, working poor, unemployed and disabled. Thus we have a duty to provide a ‘safety net’ (in the form of welfare and social security) for those who fall on hard times.
We obviously would like to see full employment – but until that day comes, we simply cannot understand the nature of those who believe that all of those who’re in receipt of benefits are ‘shirkers’, ‘cheats’ and ‘scroungers’. We challenge them to survive – never mind live – on a pittance in modern Britain!
As always, the NLP wishes to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent. To let us know what you think of our ideas relating to Political Self-Determination, simply go to our Facebook page here and look out for this article – simply post your views in the comments section.
Welfare and Social Security
Benefit Sanctions
• We will end the benefit sanctions that are threatening to cause a humanitarian crisis.
We believe that Benefits are effectively the least a person needs to survive as is. A sanction sends the message of “you don’t deserve to live.” It is morally wrong.
We favour investigating the possibility of using coupons to enable those on benefits buy various essential items.
• We would index link pensions to the retail price index.
Pensions – alongside all other forms of benefits – should be index linked so that those in receipt can buy essential items.
Healthcare ‘Tourism’
• We will take measures to end “healthcare tourism” paid for by the NHS.
We will introduce a scheme where non-nationals would have to have worked in Britain for two years or more and paid tax for that period before they get ‘free’ at point of entry NHS treatment (A&E excepted).
To obtain your FREE copy of the NLP Manifesto, simply click here:
Date: May 4, 2015
Categories: Articles, Party News