National Liberal Party 2015 General Election Manifesto – Section 8 – Law & Order
NATIONAL LIBERALS wish to strictly limit the functions of the state. However, one important state function will always be the administration of law and order without fear or favour.
We are opposed to the “hang ‘em and flog ‘em” brigade and feel that many problems relating to criminality relate to to deeper societal problems – such as poor education, housing and a lack of opportunities.
As always, the NLP wishes to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent. To let us know what you think of our ideas relating to Political Self-Determination, simply go to our Facebook page here and look out for this article – simply post your views in the comments section.
Law and Order
Youth Crime
• We will introduce a national civic service for those youths who are between 16-18 years and convicted of a custodial offence.
Youngsters who haven’t committed crimes have the option of taking up university or apprenticeships – something which is denied to those who may be in custody. Any National Civic Service Scheme would not be organised along military grounds but will be used for social schemes dependent upon their skills/aptitudes of the young offender.
Police Cameras
• Uniformed police officers will be wired up to a recorder and camera to ensure objective evidence is available in any interaction between police and members of the public.
We believe that technological advances make this possible. We feel that such cameras have the capacity to be used to defend the civil and religious liberties of all.
Parental Responsibility for Children
• We would introduce a system whereby if a ‘child’ under 14years of age is arrested and cautioned or convicted of a charge, the child’s parents must attend an educational parenting course. We need to encourage civility teaching within the family unit.
Whilst we are opposed to too much state involvement in the running of individual’s lives, we recognise the need for some state involvement and functions. Parental responsibility for children is one such case.
Our intention is to strengthen the family unit by making government care a last resort rather than immediate action.
Legal Aid
• We will restore legal aid to the level it was before 2010.
Access to our legal system should be a right, not a privilege for the wealthy.
To obtain your FREE copy of the NLP Manifesto, simply click here:
Date: May 4, 2015
Categories: Articles