Tuesday, 22 October 2024

National Liberal Party 2015 General Election Manifesto – Section 12 – Key Strategic Sectors

ONE vital element of Self-Determination is Distributism. Distributism seeks to make the ownership of property and the means of production, distribution and exchange as widespread as is possible. This is why the National Liberal Party supports – in particular – local shops, businesses and the self-employed.

Distributism also seeks to keep the role of the state in the running of the nation to a bare minimum. However, there are certain key strategic sectors that require the state to oversee them. We propose that this is carried out – where possible – by co-operatives or employee-customer management models.

As always, the NLP wishes to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent. To let us know what you think of our ideas relating to Political Self-Determination, simply go to our Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/52739504313/ and look out for this article – simply post your views in the comments section.


Key Strategic Sectors

Co-Operatives will ensure that workers own and owners work!

• Certain sectors of the economy are key industries that helpthe rest of the country function. Because they would cause the collapse of large portions of the economy if they fail, they should not be vulnerable to the whims of the free market.

The National Liberal Party will identify essential “key industries” (rail network, roads infrastructure, energy utilities, and healthcare) that should be managed carefully. At a bare minimum, ownership should be limited to UK citizens or companies 90% owned by UK citizens (by restricting sale of shares). Serious consideration should be made into either nationalisation, forming a co-op, or employee-customer management models. Usually, the “profit motive” does provide the best interests of the nation. But when taken to excess, or when deliberately abused, or when a company is asset-striped in line with capitalist “rules,” it can be devastating for the nation and people. The USA and other countries carefully control ownership of key industries for a reason. We should be doing likewise.


• We will maintain and invest in the NHS and keep it in public hands. The NHS should not be judged as a profit making exercise, but as a public service.

We believe that the NHS should be available to provide medical care free at point-of-need to all.

Gas, Electricity, and Water

• We will investigate alternative management options for theutility companies, such as employee-managed or customer-managed. Any profits from these utilities must be used to reinvest in the utilities.

We believe that gas, electricity and water supplies could be considered as essential “key industries” (as outlined in the section on Key Strategic Sectors) and should be treated accordingly.


• We will re-nationalise the railways.

Rail should become a service again. Second class fares would be reduced and first class fares increased. We will investigate alternative management options for the rail companies, such as employee-managed or customer-managed. Any profits from these companies must be used to reinvest in the utilities.

To obtain your FREE copy of the NLP Manifesto, simply click here: http://nationalliberal.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/GEManifesto.pdf

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