Tuesday, 14 January 2025

National Liberal National Secretary says: We are back!
Glen Maney standing for the National Liberal Party at the next General Election
National Liberal National Secretary Glen Maney, has announced his intention to stand at the next General Election in one the two (new) Parliamentary seats on the Isle of Wight.

Liberals candidates have been strongly represented in recent times but the Liberal National party, a breakaway from the Liberals from the 1930’s, had an MP, Charles Barrie, across the water in Southampton and had supporters on the Island. The National Liberal party of today wants to build upon that original support and is back with Glen with new ideas it hopes will attract local support.

Glen Maney, an ex-footballer and policeman and now a professional comedian and owner of a film company, has lived on the Isle of Wight and his family still does. Being an ex-Liberal Democratic member and voter he says he found his political home in the National Liberals who combined his liberal beliefs in individual liberty and social justice with love of country. In this article he explains what the party hopes to achieve.

In a statement Glen said “The Isle of Wight is like everywhere else suffering from the credit crunch with, for example, high youth unemployment, unacceptable levels of crime, high hospital waiting lists and an erosion of standards of living as prices rise, whilst wages stagnate. The National Liberals say that it doesn’t have to be this way. The Country does have money but it is simply misspent! If we didn’t get involved in so many wars overseas, if we didn’t have to pay so much into the EU and we didn’t have to spend so much on importing energy supplies, we would have plenty of money to spend on the welfare of our people”.

He added “For example, it has cost us Tax avoidance by Vodafone: £6 billion, Tax spent on Libyan intervention: £1 billion, Tax avoidance in 2010 by richest people in the UK: £7 billion, Tax payers bill for banking crisis: £131 billion, Tax money spent in Iraqi conflict: £4.5 billion, Tax money spent on Afghan conflict (up until 2007): £7 billion, and the total MP expenses bill (2007) £87.6m! So as you can see there is plenty of money around if only our politicians spent it in the national rather than corporate interests!”

Glen further said “Our professional politicians have failed us and are making the wrong decisions. That is why the National Liberals would introduce into law the use of Referendums which allows the people to vote on major issues such as Europe inc. renegotiating the Lisbon Treaty, Nuclear power and immigration which directly affect the people. This works well in Switzerland, one of the wealthiest and safest countries in the world!”.

He added “There has been a lot of concern over extremism in the UK, especially Islamic, and we don’t believe extremist solutions from any side provide us with any answers. Whilst there is a threat of violence we have to take appropriate security measures to keep us safe. However ,we mustn’t lose our freedoms because of it, for after all isn’t that what makes Britain so special? National Liberals would introduce a Civil Liberties watchdog to ensure that the Government or private institution like the media doesn’t ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’ and take away our freedoms.”

“Talking about security, the looting and rioting on some of our streets was quite shocking for the culprits seemed largely motivated by greed rather than a cause. I was once a police officer so I know there is big gulf between what the majority of us find acceptable and what some youth do. These disaffected youngsters clearly do not know right from wrong and whilst we need to help them with jobs e.g. the National Liberals would boost massively Apprenticeship schemes, they all also need some basic personal discipline. We would introduce a year-long national Civic Service for all youngsters not in full time education where they can help out their communities, learn a trade AND to respect others”.

“The National Liberals are also a green party as we wish to preserve our ‘green and pleasant’ land from being concreted over by developers. We would also invest in renewable energy thus reducing our reliance on imported energy e.g. we would ensure that all new homes were fitted with solar panelling”.

“Finally, we would use some of the money saved by pulling back from our overseas adventures to plough back into our National Health Service. Sure, it has its faults in waste, bureaucracy and health tourism but it is still the envy of the world and the National Liberals would oppose any privatisation. One day we may need its services so in the meantime it needs our support!”

Glen added “I believe there are many locals on the Isle of Wight that would regard themselves as patriotic yet holding quite liberal views. This is the National Liberals position. Our policies try and reflect the ‘right balance’ on the issues of the day. If anyone would like to get involved with a new growing party please check out our website on www.nationalliberal.com and contact us on natliberal@aol.com or by writing to NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PX or phone me on 07545821414″.

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