Saturday, 27 July 2024

Make The Banks Support Local Shops, Small Businesses & The Self-Employed

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY believes that the bankers should be made to support local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.

After all, the Banks played a huge role in creating the current recession. It was brought on by ‘casino capitalism’ – a mixture of greed and mistakes made by the bankers, ‘fat cats’ and speculators.

Despite this (and as we all know from first hand experience) the banks are still awash with money whilst ordinary working families are still feeling the pinch.

For example, are any of Britain’s top bankers hit by the Con-Dem Government’s austerity measures? Hardly! Will any of them be affected by the cuts to the NHS or education budgets? Or what about the hated bedroom tax? We don’t think so!

The NLP believes that if the banks can afford to pay their executives mega-salaries, they can afford to give loans to small local shops, businesses and the self employed.

These loans should be interest-free and be repayable at a very low rate.

We feel that by supporting local shops, small businesses and the self-employed the banks will help kick-start the economy.

• The NLPs Shop Local campaign will soon be entering a new phase. New leaflets and posters will be produced which will highlight the need for the banks to support the local economy. We’ll provide further updates on this campaign in the very near future.

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