Saturday, 27 July 2024

Liberty & Nation Says Fight for decent Jobs, Housing, Education and Health Care!
LIBERTY & NATION is the ‘Voice of the National Liberal Party.’  Issue 1 was published way back in October 2012 and issue 2 is scheduled for later this year.

It’s now the latest of our publications to produce its own e-poster.  As we’ve noted several times before, these e-posters are known as visual sound bites.  In this age of the ‘micro-second media’ they represent a very useful way of viralling our message out.

At the moment, much of the NLPs time and energy is being spent on promoting our message of Self-Determination For All! (This is because we’re standing eight candidates in London for the European elections, due to take place towards the end of next month.)  Therefore, this e-poster has been produced by Liberty & Nation to remind everyone that the NLP also campaigns on ‘bread and butter’ issues like jobs, and housing.

• To get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Liberty & Nation, simply e-mail

• Check out the first e-poster produced by Caledonian Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland.  Just click here:

• Check out the first e-poster produced by English Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in England.  Just click here:

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