Saturday, 15 March 2025

Liberal Future: Fermanagh, Armagh and Tyrone Youth Say … Choose Freedom – BreXit Now!

AS EVERYONE KNOWS last year voters went to the polls to vote in the EU Referendum.  The question on the ballot paper was very simple.  It asked ‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?’

The answer was simple as well – for nearly 17.5 million Britons voted to break the chains of EU enslavement.

But as we’ve noted many times, not everyone was happy about this vote.  The global elite – represented by the likes of multinational corporations and the banks – are deeply unhappy, to say the very least.  Ever since the vote was announced they, and their client politicians, have sought to oppose the popular will of the people and want to overturn democracy.

In Ulster, the main opponents of this democratic vote are Sinn Féin (who for some bizarre reason still claim to be a socialist and Irish republican political party) and the Social Democratic and Labour Party (the SDLP – sometimes known as the ‘Stoops’) and to a lesser degree, the Alliance Party.

The sheer hypocrisy is hanging out of them all – but Sinn Féin (SF) in particular.  They claim that because a majority in Ulster (or the ‘North’ as they call it) voted Remain, this vote should be respected.  However, this is a dramatic volte-face from a party that has never truly respected the wish of the majority of Ulster voters who want to remain part of the UK.  This was especially so when they effectively acted as cheerleaders for the IRA’s imperialist and, in parts, blatantly sectarian war against the nation and people of Ulster.

Also if we to follow Sinn Féin’s argument – about respecting the local vote – to its logical extent, surely all of Co. Antrim, East Belfast and parts of County Down, who voted Leave, should be allowed to quit the EU?

Liberal Future also notes that, until fairly recently, Sinn Féin opposed the EU.  It would be interesting to establish a time-line which examined their change of heart.  Was it in response to intense internal political debate – or could it be linked to various EU grants which just happened to benefit areas where SF have political representation?

To conclude, we’d like point folks in the direction of a previous article – – we produced concerning SF.  It examined a case whereby they (and the Stoops) went to court in a vain effort to overturn the Brexit vote.  Here we noted:
‘This court case was odd to say the very least. Probably the most curious aspect was the sight of Sinn Féin and the SDLP going into a British court to try to force a country that they don’t really recognise (Ulster) to stay within the European Union! Why anyone – let alone so-called Irish republicans or nationalists – would want to surrender their nationhood to a supranational organisation is beyond us.’
• THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with the following:
Liberal Future Says BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: English Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Scottish Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Ulster Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Welsh Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Cornish Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Guernsey, Manx and Jersey Youth Say BreXit Now!
Liberal Future: Alderney & Sark Youth Say BreXit Now!

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