Thursday, 13 March 2025

Liberal Future: County Londonderry, County Antrim & County Down Youth Say … Independence From the EU – BreXit Now!



Liberal Future: County Londonderry, County Antrim & County Down Youth Say … Independence From the EU – BreXit Now!

LIBERAL FUTURE believes that the EU Referendum result of June 2015 effectively represented a popular uprising against the British establishment.  Here 17.4 million voters decided to ignore the advice of the Elitists – who regard themselves as our ‘Lords and Masters’ – and voted to leave the European Union.

We believe that the electorate voted to leave the EU for many different reasons.  These included issues of national sovereignty, a democratic deficit and sustainability – which is linked to mass immigration.

Many people view the EU simply as a rich man’s club for powerful corporate big business and banking elites. Their underlings – both serving politicians and former politicians – are more than happy enough with the trappings of power.  With their ‘Leave’ vote, ordinary working folks stuck two fingers up to the economic and political establishment.

But there are still many political parties who refuse to accept or even acknowledge the democratic will of the people.  One of the most vocal is Sinn Féin (SF) which touts itself as a socialist, nationalist, Irish Republican party.

Sinn Féin is well-know for its hypocrisy.  For instance, they claim to be totally opposed to all  British institutions but seem more than happy to work with elements of the British establishment to help promote the cowardly and anti-democratic ‘Project Fear.’  Here, Remainers and Remoaners – who represent the wishes of British Elitists – are circulating hair-raising scare stories about a No Deal Brexit to try to beat down the electorate.  Their aim is to make voters accept a Brexit that is so soft that it’s Brexit in name only.  In reality we’ll effectively remain within the EU.

Over the years SF have built their support by promoting working class causes.  However, it’s well-know that vast swathes of working class voters (throughout the UK) enthusiastically supported Brexit.  A central pillar of the British Establishment’s ‘Project Fear’ is to promote the idea that that those who voted for Brexit are dim bigots and reactionaries who didn’t understand what they were voting for.  How can Sinn Féin justify this?  On the one hand they effectively lionise the working class – particularly those who vote for them.  On the other hand, however, they’re helping to promote the idea that the working class are all thick.

As we noted earlier, Sinn Féin regard themselves as a socialist organisation.  But their brand of socialism reminds us of the variety promoted by the pro-capitalist Tony Blair.

For instance, they make a big play of being opposed to a Hard Border between Ulster – which is part of the UK – and Éire, which will remain in the EU.  Yet they turn a blind eye to the fact that it’s entirely in the interests of capitalism to have open borders with a smooth flow of capital, materials and workers.  Liberal Future finds it hard to believe that the ‘socialists’ of SF don’t realise that open borders equal cheap labour which equals bigger profits for the capitalists.

Sinn Féin are also hypocrites when it comes to democracy – for they only support it when it suits them.

As we know, the EU Referendum saw England and Wales vote for Brexit whilst Scotland and Ulster voted to Remain.  But the vote was held on a UK basis and Brexit won fair and square.  In fact 17,410,742 – 51.89% – voted to leave the EU whilst 16,141,241 – 48.11% – voted to remain.

SF claim that the vote in ‘the North’ to remain in the EU should be respected.  However, SF have been (and are still) nowhere to be seen when it comes to respecting the majority of voters in Ulster who wish to maintain the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

At the moment, Sinn Féin’s leaders – Mary Louise McDonald and Michelle O’Neill – also appear to be very happy acting as cheer leaders for the EU.  For a party that bangs on about independence and national sovereignty, the EU is a bizarre choice of role model!

So why do SF want to dump a relatively small union (between England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster) and jump into bed with a much larger union – the EU?  At the moment the jury is out as to their real motives.

They are obviously currying political favour within the EU.  Elected and unelected EU officials must be very happy with Sinn Féin.  However, we feel that SF is being used (by the EU) like a stick to beat the British electorate with.

It’s hard to believe that Sinn Féin will gain any real political power and influence within the EU itself.  The numbers just don’t stack up for that.  At the moment, Sinn Féin have three MEPs – out of a total of 13 – in Éire and one – out a total of three – in Ulster.  But once Britain leaves the EU, they’ll be reduced to three.  This is a drop in the ocean as Germany alone has 96 MEPs!  Therefore, the influence of SF within the EU is, and will remain,  absolutely minimal.  For instance, even if all SF MEPs voted for a motion that wasn’t in Germany’s interests, that motion will be dead and buried.

So what will Sinn Féin gain for being so loyal to the EU?

Our gut feeling is that the areas they represent – or at least the SF strongholds within thoses constituencies – will get some financial dividend.  The EU may well ‘buy’ their continued loyalty by throwing millions of Euros at different infrastructure projects.

LIBERAL FUTURE believes that the EU Referendum result of June 2015 effectively represented a popular uprising against the British establishment.  Here 17.4 million voters decided to ignore the advice of the Elitists – who regard themselves as our ‘Lords and Masters’ – and voted to leave the European Union.

We believe that the electorate voted to leave the EU for many different reasons.  These included issues of national sovereignty, a democratic deficit and sustainability – which is linked to mass immigration.

Many people view the EU simply as a rich man’s club for powerful corporate big business and banking elites. Their underlings – both serving politicians and former politicians – are more than happy enough with the trappings of power.  With their ‘Leave’ vote, ordinary working folks stuck two fingers up to the economic and political establishment.

But there are still many political parties who refuse to accept or even acknowledge the democratic will of the people.  One of the most vocal is Sinn Féin (SF) which touts itself as a socialist, nationalist, Irish Republican party.

Sinn Féin is well-know for its hypocrisy.  For instance, they claim to be totally opposed to all  British institutions but seem more than happy to work with elements of the British establishment to help promote the cowardly and anti-democratic ‘Project Fear.’  Here, Remainers and Remoaners – who represent the wishes of British Elitists – are circulating hair-raising scare stories about a No Deal Brexit to try to beat down the electorate.  Their aim is to make voters accept a Brexit that is so soft that it’s Brexit in name only.  In reality we’ll effectively remain within the EU.

Over the years SF have built their support by promoting working class causes.  However, it’s well-know that vast swathes of working class voters (throughout the UK) enthusiastically supported Brexit.  A central pillar of the British Establishment’s ‘Project Fear’ is to promote the idea that that those who voted for Brexit are dim bigots and reactionaries who didn’t understand what they were voting for.  How can Sinn Féin justify this?  On the one hand they effectively lionise the working class – particularly those who vote for them.  On the other hand, however, they’re helping to promote the idea that the working class are all thick.

As we noted earlier, Sinn Féin regard themselves as a socialist organisation.  But their brand of socialism reminds us of the variety promoted by the pro-capitalist Tony Blair.

For instance, they make a big play of being opposed to a Hard Border between Ulster – which is part of the UK – and Éire, which will remain in the EU.  Yet they turn a blind eye to the fact that it’s entirely in the interests of capitalism to have open borders with a smooth flow of capital, materials and workers.  Liberal Future finds it hard to believe that the ‘socialists’ of SF don’t realise that open borders equal cheap labour which equals bigger profits for the capitalists.

Sinn Féin are also hypocrites when it comes to democracy – for they only support it when it suits them.

As we know, the EU Referendum saw England and Wales vote for Brexit whilst Scotland and Ulster voted to Remain.  But the vote was held on a UK basis and Brexit won fair and square.  In fact 17,410,742 – 51.89% – voted to leave the EU whilst 16,141,241 – 48.11% – voted to remain.

SF claim that the vote in ‘the North’ to remain in the EU should be respected.  However, SF have been (and are still) nowhere to be seen when it comes to respecting the majority of voters in Ulster who wish to maintain the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

At the moment, Sinn Féin’s leaders – Mary Louise McDonald and Michelle O’Neill – also appear to be very happy acting as cheer leaders for the EU.  For a party that bangs on about independence and national sovereignty, the EU is a bizarre choice of role model!

So why do SF want to dump a relatively small union (between England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster) and jump into bed with a much larger union – the EU?  At the moment the jury is out as to their real motives.

They are obviously currying political favour within the EU.  Elected and unelected EU officials must be very happy with Sinn Féin.  However, we feel that SF is being used (by the EU) like a stick to beat the British electorate with.

It’s hard to believe that Sinn Féin will gain any real political power and influence within the EU itself.  The numbers just don’t stack up for that.  At the moment, Sinn Féin have three MEPs – out of a total of 13 – in Éire and one – out a total of three – in Ulster.  But once Britain leaves the EU, they’ll be reduced to three.  This is a drop in the ocean as Germany alone has 96 MEPs!  Therefore, the influence of SF within the EU is, and will remain,  absolutely minimal.  For instance, even if all SF MEPs voted for a motion that wasn’t in Germany’s interests, that motion will be dead and buried.

So what will Sinn Féin gain for being so loyal to the EU?

Our gut feeling is that the areas they represent – or at least the SF strongholds within thoses constituencies – will get some financial dividend.  The EU may well ‘buy’ their continued loyalty by throwing millions of Euros at different infrastructure projects.

The EU may also later ‘reward’ SF leaders like Mary Louise McDonald and Michelle O’Neill by creating jobs for them in Brussells.  If so, it’ll be a classic case of ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.’  Who knows – stranger things have happened!

In the meantime, Liberal Future will still be demanding Independence From the EU – BreXit Now! The EU may also later ‘reward’ SF leaders like Mary Louise McDonald and Michelle O’Neill by creating jobs for them in Brussells.  If so, it’ll be a classic case of ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.’  Who knows – stranger things have happened!

In the meantime, Liberal Future will still be demanding Independence From the EU – BreXit Now! n Youth Say … Independence


• THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with the following:

Liberal Future: For A Europe Of Free Nations – BreXit Now!

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