Thursday, 13 March 2025

Issue 3 of Liberty & Nation Just Around The Corner!

The first e-poster produced by Liberty & Nation. Issue 3 of the ‘Voice of the National Liberal Party’ will be out soon!

WE KNOW that it’s been a long time coming, but issue 3 of Liberty & NationL&N – is just around the corner!

We’d originally intended to kick off this year with our new issue, but planning for the forthcoming General Election has taken much of our time up. This is particularly so of the NLPs Manifesto. Here many activists worked tirelessly behind the scenes debating and producing this exciting publication – which will be available here in ‘bite size’ pieces fairly soon.

The content of L&N has also changed. Originally we anticipated looking at the constitutional crisis which has been provoked across the United Kingdom by the Scottish independence referendum.

However, it was thought that the NLPs forthcoming General Election Manifesto had dealt with this subject fairly neatly when it notes:

Devolution: We will work to create a federal United Kingdom with constituent parliaments for each nation (including England). We will support decentralisation to the most local practical level.

We are decentralists and believe in equality, popular sovereignty and national self-determination. We are very much in support of the individual against the might of the state. Thus we oppose centralism – which can be dogmatic, undemocratic and totalitarian in nature.”

With this is mind it was decided that L&N3 should focus on what makes the National Liberal Party different from the other parties. This includes the fact that we’re not interested in macho–posturing and gesture politics. It also stresses that “our

politics go way beyond ‘left’, ‘right’, capitalism, socialism, unionism and republicanism.”

Thus issue 3 of L&N acts as an introduction to National Liberalism and the NLP. The front page article – For National Freedom & Social Justice! – looks at National Liberal ideals such as Liberty, Democracy, Independence and Ecology. The back page looks at the NLP itself, providing a brief overview of the party.

This will be the first issue of Liberty & Nation that’ll be available in both pdf format and hard copy.

Thanks to a generous donation from a Scottish supporter, we have enough money to print around 5000 copies. However, we’d like to print many, many more. Can you help us spread the message of National Liberalism by making a donation? If so, here’s how:

• Make a direct donation to our bank account: Bank of Scotland – National Liberal Party – 12-11-03 – 06186181

• Pay via our web-site:

Send a cheque or Postal Order to NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4PX, England.

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