Friday, 14 March 2025

Introducing the National Liberal Party – For Liberty, Democracy, Independence & Ecology
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY holds reasonably frequent on-line debates covering a variety of social and economic issues. We run these as part of our Have Your Say mini-series. We do this because we’re simply not interested in following the tired formula of macho–posturing and gesture politics. Indeed, the NLP is trying to promote a different form of politics, based on a careful combination of in-depth thought and action.

Our view is that the problems facing the various nations and peoples of the British Isles are not going to be solved by screaming and shouting. They will only be overcome by a combination of careful thought and action mentioned above. This means that we favour informed and reasoned debate. Here we concentrate on arguments, points of view and facts. We are not interested in personalities, prejudice or promoting self-interest.

With this in mind, we appreciate your comments and observations on the article below. Many folks will recognise it as the article which has – to date – featured on the back page of various NLP publications, such as Caledonian Voice, English Voice, the Isle of Wight Voice, Kent Voice and Liberty & Nation.

We’re always striving to improve our educational and outreach material and we’d really appreciate the help of our members and supporters. So what do you think of the article below? Is it too ‘wordy’ – or not long enough? How can we imporove it? Should sections be added or deleted? We’d also like to know if there are any sections that need to be clarified. Just because we’re clear about what we’re talking about doesn’t mean that everyone else is!

Please keep in mind that our article is aimed at attracting idealists to our movement – who combining both thought and action – will then become local NLP community activists.

To submit your views – good, bad or indifferent – simply look out for this article when it appears on our National Liberals Facebook page and have your say in the comments section.


Introducing the National Liberal Party – For Liberty, Democracy, Independence & Ecology

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is a new political party. It was founded following the publication of A Declaration and Philosophy of Progressive Nationalism (written in 2005 by Tim Bragg and Graham Williamson).

The core principles of the modern NLP include Liberty, Democracy, Independence and Ecology.

However, we draw upon the tradition of patriotic liberalism once predominant in 19th century Europe. In Britain, National Liberals (sometimes called Liberal Nationals) have included Joseph Chamberlain to the Earl of Roseberry to Leslie Hoare-Belisha.

The combination of the NLPs political roots – Progressive Nationalism (sometimes called ‘Green Nationalism’) and Liberalism – means that we are unique. This fusion of nationalism and liberalism means that we give equal weight to ‘national questions’ (concerning all of the nations and peoples of the British Isles and in principle, beyond) as we do to ‘liberal questions’ concerning the individual and freedom.

This fusion of Progressive Nationalism and Liberalism provides us with a general position that can be best summed up as being ‘Neither Left nor Right – Neither Capitalist nor Communist.’

Our Progressive Nationalism is a nationalism based on equality, popular sovereignty and national self-determination. Therefore, we reject the dehumanising materialist doctrines of capitalism and communism – which we view as two sides of the same coin – as well as racism, imperialism, fascism and war.

As Progressive Nationalists (Self-determinists) we’re more than ready to work with others who want national self determination and liberation for nations overseas – no matter what their race, nationality, ethnicity or religion is, because it a universal human right.

Our Liberalism shouldn’t be confused with the liberalism of those Politically Correct busy bodies who seem to want to dictate to everyone how they should think and act. Despite their self-proclaimed ‘liberalism’, in reality they’re dogmatic, undemocratic and totalitarian in nature. Indeed, they would have given the combined forces of the Gestapo and KGB a run for their money!

Our Liberalism is very much in support of the individual against the might of the state. Whilst we recognise the need for some state involvement and functions – the NHS, for instance – we are radically anti-statist. We are against too much state interference.

We also have a lot of political libertarian blood running through our veins! For example, we think that it’s vital that everyone is allowed to have their say. We disagree with lots of individuals and groups – but they all have a right to free speech. It could be argued that there could – or even should – be a few exceptions to this rule (for instance, those who promote violence) but on the whole our view is that either we all have rights – or none of us has rights.

If you agree with our fusion of Nationalism and Liberalism, why not get involved? Check out our website on or contact us on or by writing to National Liberal Party, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4PX.

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