Saturday, 7 September 2024

If You Live Or Work In Tweeddale … SHOP LOCAL!


TWEEDDALE is the local name for the County of Peebles, which is a shire in southern Scotland. Neither Peeblesshire nor Tweeddale has an official flag – although the proposed flag for Peebleshire can be found here: However, our artwork features the historic arms of the Marquess of Tweeddale.
To some extent it doesn’t matter what the area is called or what its official flag is like, the main issue is to support local shops, entrepreneurs, small businesses and the self-employed.  One very easy way to do this is to shop local, particularly in the three main towns of Peebles and Innerleithen and the village of West Linton.
In the coming weeks and months we’ll examine how ordinary working folks can support their communities via a policy of localism.   Localism represents a rejection of the gargantuan and a move towards the local production and consumption of goods, local control of government, and promotion of local history, culture and identity.  It can effectively be summed up in the slogan Small is Beautiful!

•  For more information about Tweeddale/Peebleshire check out

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