Sunday, 8 September 2024

If You Live Or Work In Sutherland … SHOP LOCAL!
SUTHERLAND is a historic county in the highlands of Scotland. Its county town is the seaside resort of Dornoch.  It covers an area of 6,077Km² and in 2001 had a population of 13,706 people (representing 0.27% of the population of Scotland).
Sutherland, like Tweeddale has no official flag (1) – however, plans are in place to rectify this.  In September of this year a meeting was held to launch a competition to design a flag for Sutherland (2).  As the official flag is due to be launched in the new year, our Shop Local artwork features the arms awarded to the former Sutherland County Council (3).
With all this in mind, it’s vitally important that local shops are supported to the hilt in the more sparsely populated areas of Britain.  Support must also be given to any local small businesses, entrepreneurs, independent traders and the self-employed.  Without local support, local shops and businesses will wither and die – and locals will have to travel further and further from home to access goods and services.
The message is clear then: If You Live Or Work In Sutherland … SHOP LOCAL!


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