Saturday, 27 July 2024

Help Distribute Our Shop Local Leaflets Throughout London!

NLP local community activist delivers Upkar’s Shop Local leaflets in support of local shops, small businesses and the self-employed. Will you help distribute them in your area?

ONE of the National Liberal Party’s most important policies is our support for local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.
We believe in vibrant communities that help create a ‘community spirit’. The small shopkeeper – in particular – has traditionally been part of the glue that maintains that spirit and good community relations.
Sadly, the competition from ‘out of town’ superstores and now ‘mini high-street stores’ has killed off many local shops. Ultimately, the only way to protect such businesses is the purchasing power of local residents.
The leaflet has been produced in support of Upkar Singh Rai, who is a candidate in the forthcoming London elections. Running on a ‘Quality of Life’ ticket, Upkar supports local shops, small businesses and the self-employed.
We need members and supporters to deliver these leaflets to their local independent shops. If you e-mail us at we shall send you 25 leaflet for you to distribute. Contact us now!
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