Saturday, 27 July 2024

Greek Tragedy

There has been a lot of discussion of the Eurozone crisis of late and its implications for the Euro, those holding it and even those, like the UK, who don’t. Much of the debate has focussed on we can avoid the fall out. Spare a thought however for the Greeks who, due to Government greed, wil be paying for an unworkable system with austerity mreasures that are likely to make our eyes water!
Our resident poet Jasan shares his thoughts with us on their situation:
There was a Picture on the BBC last week (very fitting to the current Greek economic woes) of the Parthenon (the ancient monument of Greece) totally covered by over hanging Grey clouds. It encaptulated the whole misery the Greek nation is in.

Pity the land that gave philosophy, science, maths, poetry and wisdom in general to the European Civilization to flourish, today a victim of economic woes. Spare them a thought as you consider these few words……

Oh the nation of great philosophical tradition,
You’re a cradle once of European civilization;
Oh the home of Homer, Socrates, Pythagoras, Aristotle and Plato,
We pity you, for the gathering grey clouds above you.

Philosophy, logic, ethics, science and poetics,
Knowledge all born amid your critical thoughts,
From times of antiquity, flourished your enquiring thirst,
Today though, changed times burden your economy to burst.

Philosophised once you wisdom to the world,
Plundered now have you all great knowledge of (g)old;
Let not the current economic ignorance sink you deep into debt seas;
Instead, let the rays of economic prudence pierce through the hanging grey clouds


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