Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Fourth World Review – Towards A new Era!

REGULAR VISITORS to this site will be aware that one of the ideals of the National Liberal Party revolves around the concept that ‘Small Is Beautiful’.

This ideal was first put forward by Professor Leopold Kohr over half a century ago in his epochal Breakdown of Nations, and later popularised in Fritz Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful.

The Reverend John Papworth has also spent decades promoting their work in his well-known and highly respected publication, Fourth World Review.

According to John Papworth, Kohr and Schumacher were “simply arguing that the origins of the modern crisis lay in the fact that governments and institutions (including industries), had become so large as to be uncontrollable under any political label, and that the genuine democratic target lay in making them smaller so people could control them.”

Because of this convergence of views, we are delighted to announce that John Papworth has invited Graham Williamson and Wayne John Sturgeon to re-launch 4WR on the basis of its founding editorial policy. Graham and Wayne are now joint editors whilst John Papworth remains very active serving as an Editorial Board member.

As many readers will be aware, Graham is presently a leading figure in the NLP – he is also editor of the NLPs ideological publication, New Horizon. He is also Chairman of the influential Adamsgate Action Group (a local Hornchurch-based community group), the co-author of the seminal work, A Declaration and Philosophy of Progressive Nationalism, a human rights campaigner and a Consultant for a Public Relations Company.

Wayne has musical roots in the Anarcho-Punk musical scene and counter culture of the 1980s. He would describe himself as a Christian Anarchist with strong Progressive Nationalist and Left Libertarian/Agorist leanings. His writings have appeared in various Anarchist, Libertarian and Counter Cultural publications.

Issue 153 of 4WR is the first in over a year – and the new joint editors have agreed to host this new issue to prevent it being lost to history. They regard the threat of globalisation – which leads to the centralisation of power – is a threat to the belief that ‘small is beautiful’ and the ideas contained within 4WR are now required more than ever!

Those wanting to obtain a copy of 4WR should simply e-mail John Papworth at papworthjohn@yahoo.co.uk and ask for a FREE pdf copy of issue 153.

The re-launch of Fourth World Review also coincided with the unveiling of a new book from the founder and former editor John Papworth at the prestigious Savage club in central London.

A slim book, Why schools of economics and political science should be closed down, seeks to show how ‘modern’ thinking has led man to follow false gods. As its’ forward puts it “In this excellent book, John Papworth goes to the very root of the problem to explain how we the people have all been led to trade in the wisdom of ages contained in Aristotle’s theory of scale for the shallow modern philosophy of ‘just follow the money’. The book juxtaposes the teachings of the ancient thinkers that put the human being at the centre of economic and political theories against the teachings of the modern schools of economics and political science that have made ‘the market’ the central focus”.

Copies can be obtained by sending a cheque for £6 to Arbuckle Books c/o Akin Palmer LLP, 3, Angle Gate, 326 City Road, London EC1V 2PT.

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