Candidate Raj in the centre
We hope to join an electoral coalition in due course to fight the next General Election (2022?). Of course, local Government is still a very important layer of democratic authority. We are formulating a policy towards Councils and our role within them. In the meantime, long time member, Raj Rajalingam threw his hat in the ring to stand for the party in local elections in the London Borough of Harrow.

Activist T-Shirt
Standing in the Roxeth ward in the South of the borough he and local party members have been leafleting and canvassing voters. His election address, entitled ‘Improving your Quality of Life!’, offers suggestions for doing so I the ward and borough in general. Raj says “If elected I will do my very best for the interests of Roxeth. Rather than putting a national party or ideology first I will always put the LOCAL wishes of my constituents first!”
Date: May 2, 2018
Categories: Party News