From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling AllAché People …
NATIONS WITHOUT STATES – NwS – kicked off this year with an appeal to anyAboriginal Australiansliving in London (who would most probably be youngsters from an artistic or sporting background) who’d be interested in promoting their case for Self-Determination at the highest level in the capital.
The opportunity to do so is due to the forthcomingGreater London Assembly elections – scheduled for 7th May. Here, our friends and comrade of the National Liberal Party (NLP) intend to stand up to 25 candidates under the slogan ofSelf-Determination For All!
We now turn our attention to theAché People.
The Aché – sometimes called theAxe people – are hunter-gatherers, an indigenous people who live in eastern Paraguay, South America. Like many other indigenous people in South America, they have suffered years of persecution at the hands ofcolonists, loggers, and ranchers. This was particularly so in the 1960s & 1970s.
During the latter half of the 20th century, the Paraguayan government launched a ‘pacification program’ which encouraged theAché to settle in permanent villages or camps. However, in recent years theAché have demanded land rights – the return of historical land which is currently being deforested by landless farmers and unscrupulous timber merchants.
NwS concedes that it’s probably unlikely that any descendants of theAché people living in London (and thus able to stand in the GLA elections in three months time). However, we feel that this is no reason to ignore their plight. When it comes to issues relating to Self-Determination, we work on the understanding thateither we all have rights – or none of us have rights!
With the above in mind, the National Liberal Party have advised us that they’d be happy to accommodate anyone – no matter what their ethnic background – who has a special interest and knowledge of the Aché people. Election to the GLA would provide an excellent platform to promote – and give a voice to – the cause of theAché (and other South American indigenous people.)
The GLA has wide-ranging powers – all relating to London. However, a member of the GLA taking up the cause of the Aché people would be newsworthy in its own right. That member can also help organise support for the Aché people in communities, work-places and colleges and add weight to campaigns for allindigenous people. And let’s face it, there arehundreds of unique ethnic minorities in the world – all of whom are victims of globalism. They are losing their culture, identity, languages & traditions. We feel that they’re all unique and all are worth protecting and preserving.
Therefore, we’d ask anyone who has a special knowledge and interest in theAché people to come forward and play your part in righting the many wrongs they’ve been subjected to. Are you up for it? If so, contact our friends in the National Liberal now. Make history – not excuses!
• ALSO check out
From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling AllAborigines…–-nations-without-states-–-calling-all-aborigines-…
Date: February 16, 2020
Categories: Articles, Party News