Saturday, 7 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – 4WR – Issue 155 Out Soon!
ISSUE 155 of Fourth World Review (4WR) is ‘under construction’ and will be out soon! Joint-Editors Wayne John Sturgeon and Graham Williamson are also working on a 4WR Supporters Bulletin which will be issued in due course.

As the pre-publication artwork hints, one of the main features of this forthcomng issue will take a look at Self-Determination. Specifically, it will take an in-depth look at various aspects – including ideology, strategy and tactics – of Nations without States. Although details are yet to be finalised it may also include brief interviews with all of the NwS Organising Committee and Diaspora Representatives.

Other highlights of issue 155 include an interview with Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance, and a thought-provoking article by John Papworth (the founder, former editor and Editorial Board member of Fourth World Review) entitled The Reality of Democracy.

To check out the 4WR Facebook page click simply here:

To download issues 153 (winter 2011) and 154 (spring 2012) of 4WR simply click here:
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