From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – To Dream Of Freedom: Issue 3 Of Nation Out Now!
TOWARDS the end of last month, Nations without States produced another issue of What Must Be Done, our publically-available organising bulletin. Here we gave advance notice that issue 3 of Nation – the Newsletter of Nations without States – would soon be produced.
We’re pleased to say that it’s now available in pdf form. This issue of Nation relates to the forthcoming EU Referendum (due to take place on the 23rd of this month) so we need to distribute it as soon as possible. Therefore, we’re asking all Self-Determinists to e-mail Nations without States at to get your FREE copy straight away. Please then distribute it to all of your contacts as well as members of the public via social media.
As can be seen, the headline and artwork on the front page of Nation are very striking. There’s no mistaking what we think of the EU! Indeed, the paper notes that we oppose the EU ‘on grounds of National, Political and Economic Self-Determination.’
In particular, we feel that the EU will eventually morph into a highly centralised (and fundamentally undemocratic) United States of Europe. We believe in self-determination for all – so another oppressive Empire or Superstate is the last thing we need or desire.
In contrast to this, Nations without States believes that Europe should consist ‘of free nations and peoples. For we want to see a Europe based on the twin ideals of National Freedom and Social Justice.’
The main article in issue 3 of Nation concludes by asking all Self-Determinists ‘who are eligible to vote on 23rd June to say NO to the EU! By doing so you’ll send a powerful message to the global elites who think that they control our every move. You’ll also be sending a powerful message to Self-Determinists around the world, who, like us, dream of Freedom!’
• CHECK OUT the last issue of What Must Be Done, which provided information about issue 3 of Nation:
Date: June 8, 2016
Categories: Liberty Wall