
One part of the strategy of NwS is to build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news and entertainment. We've made a few small steps in the right direction with the publication of issue 1 and 2 of Freedom and issue 1 of Nation. Issue 2 of Nation will be out soon.
ALL SELF-DETERMINISTS will know that we’ve recently produced another issue of Freedom. This is the ‘street paper’ of Nations without States (1). As such, it’s designed to attract the attention of the general public – it’s loud, brash and written in a very popular and simplistic style.
Those wanting to get their hands on a FREE pdf copy of issue 2 of Freedom – which looks at ‘Mad’ Robert Mugabe’s attempts to wipe out the entire Matebele people – should simply e-mail Nations without States: nationswstates@aol.co.uk
As we noted earlier, Freedom is produced to attract the general public to the concept of Self-Determination.
However, it’s not the only publication that we produce. We realise that if we’re to combat those who seek to deny us our nationhood we need to unite all Self-Determinists and follow an agreed strategy which will be conducted both on the street and in the corridors of power. That’s why we also produce, Nation, which serves as the ‘Newsletter’ of Nations without States.
Issue 1 of Nation – the main article of which was Self-Determinists Must Unite – was produced towards the end of May (2). It prominently displayed the flags of 30 nations who feel that they are being oppressed in one way or another. They include Balochistan, Catalonia, England, Matebeleland, Panjaab, Rif, Sabah, Sarawak, Sindh, Tamil Eelam and West Papua.
We’re now pleased to announce that issue 2 will be out soon!
The main article is For The Fallen And The Free. It has been produced to remember and mourn “those who have fallen in the fight for self-determination” and to make sure that “the world never forgets their blood sacrifice.”
Nation argues that the best way to “truly honour the fallen” is to work towards building free nations. And the way to do this is to follow “the NwS strategy of building different forms of counter-power. Here we want to create a parallel system that belongs to self-determinists and not our oppressors.”
It lists four main areas of counter-power – they range from building an alternative media to a social support network – and we understand it will develop these ideas in future issues. It also features the flags of a further eight ‘captive nations.’
We hope that issue 2 of Nation will be available within a couple of weeks. In the meantime the Organising Committee of NwS has asked all Self-Determinists to spread the word and to tell us how many copies they require so that they can arrange the distribution of Nation among their fellow diaspora and at various demonstrations, meetings and days of action. To place your order, simply send a Private Message to Graham Williamson via the NwS Facebook page or e-mail Nations without States: nationswstates@aol.co.uk
(1) http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-nations-
(2) A few copies of issue 1 of Nation are still available. As soon as they go, it will only be available in pdf format. For details of availablility, e-mail Nations without States: nationswstates@aol.co.uk