Thursday, 13 March 2025

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling All Aragonese Living In London …

FIVE MONTHS AGO – on 7th May – our friends and comrades of the National Liberal Party (NLP) should have been fighting the Greater London Authority elections.  The plan was to stand up to 25 candidates who would be campaigning to raise awareness of the vital issue of Self-Determination.

Regular readers will be aware that, due to Covid-19, the GLA elections had to be scrapped.  They’re now been rescheduled to take place in May of next year.  To some extent this has worked out in our favour as it gives Self-Determinists another seven months to organise.

With the above in mind, Nations without States would like to appeal to all of those who support our ideal of Self-Determination For All to financially support the NLPs GLA election campaign.

As we all know, democracy doesn’t come cheap – especially in London!  A quick look at the official London Elects web-site – will confirm this.

Talking about Self-Determination is one thing, but doing something positive & practical is another.  So, will you put your money where your mouth is by donating to the election campaign?  Your donation doesn’t need to be much – in fact, all donations small (or large) are very much welcome.

Even if you can only afford to send £1 a month, it all adds up.  For instance, if 1,000 Self-Determinists sent in £1 a month, that’ll bring in a total of £1,000.  If these small donations are repeated on a monthly basis from (and including) today until to election day – on Thursday 6th May 2021 – we’ll be looking at a total of £8,000.

Now that’ll be small change compared to what the Establishment parties can raise.  But it’ll go a some way to promoting Self-Determination to London’s electorate.  The NLP are used to making a little go a long way, so something like £8,000 will give the enemies of Self-Determination something to think about!

Will you support those brave candidates who’re representing your nation & people?  Will you support the activists who’ll be out leafleting and canvassing in different areas of London?  Indeed. will you support the efforts of the NLP to promote Self-Determination?  Let’s put the noses of our oppressors out of joint & send shockwaves through the system – donate today!

This can be done via or by transfer to the Bank of Scotland, NLP (ac)12-11-03, (s/c) 06186181

One group who may benefit from having their cause brought to the attention of London’s population of nearly nine million are the Aragonese.

The Arangonese, like the Andalucians who we featured last month (see here:–-nations-without-states-–-calling-allandalusians-living-in-london) hail from Spain.  However, whilst Andalucia is the southernmost of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities (Spain is a decentralised unitary state which has devolved some powers to these communities) Aragon is in the North East.

Aragon broadly consists of the land that was formally known as the independent Kingdom of Aragon, which existed from 1035 – 1707.  Landlocked, it shares its Northern border with France, Castilla-La Mancha in the South West, Castile-León, La Rioja & Navarre (all in the West), Catalonia in the East & the Valencian Community to the South East.

With an area of 18,420 square miles around half of the total population (1,308,563 as at January 2016) lives in the capital of Zaragoza.   The idea of some greater form of Self-Determination appears to run high in Aragon.  In a  2011 survey, nearly 48% of the population wanted greater autonomy whilst just over 3% favoured full independence.

This may be linked to a popular revival of the Aragonese language – as of 2011 Aragonese was spoken – in several dialects – by around 12,000 people.  Aragonese speakers are largely concentrated in the mountainous northern counties of the Pyrenees.  (Aragon consists of three provinces, Huesca, Zaragoza and Teruel.  These are, in turn, sub-divided into 33 counties.)

There are several parties which advocate different forms of Self-Determination.  However, at root, they base their claims on the idea that Aragon is a historical nationality with its own history, language, laws & culture.

As with the Andalucians there’s no way of knowing how many Spanish living in London would define themselves as Aragonese & what form of Self-Determination they desire.  We know that Kensington, Regents Park & Chelsea (in West London) are the areas which have the highest number of Spanish-born residents.  We also know that Southwark (in South London) is the borough where Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language.

Therefore, if there are any readers who live and/or work in these areas of London who know anyone who is of Aragonese background, please ask them to get in touch with the National Liberal Party as soon as possible – e-mail: The message from Nations without States is clear: For the sake of Aragon don’t delay – take action today!

• ALSO Check out:

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling All Aborigines, Aché, Ainu & Ahwazi People …

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling Åland Islanders Living In London …

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Calling All Andalusians Living In London …–-nations-withoutstates-–-calling-all-andalusians-living-in-london

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