Sunday, 8 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – St. George’s Committee Debate (1) – How Do We Promote English History, Heritage, Traditions, Identity & Culture?
HARDLY a day goes by without coming across a debate that revolves around the subject of England and what it means to be English.

There still seems to be a lot of confusion between England/Britain and English/British. Additionally, many English have the tendency – in defining themselves – to compare themselves to folks from other nations. Sadly, they tend to describe their culture by referring, condescendingly, to other cultures.

For the St. George’s Committee to achieve its aims we believe that we must educate Englishmen and women. But given the confusion over English identity (not to mention the continual copying of popular cultural norms whereby ‘celebs’ who shout the loudest think that they’ve ‘won’ an argument) how do go about this process of education? Indeed, how do we promote English history, heritage, traditions, identity & Culture?

The debate will be held on the St. George’s Committee facebook page
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