Sunday, 8 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States

Demo held outside the French Embassy, Knightsbridge, (in South West London) in support of the Tuareg people and Azawad independence. Held on February 16, it was was attended by Kurds, Baluchis, Sabah, Sarawak, Tamil, Tuareg, Rif, Matabele, English and Scots and representatives from the Sultanate of Sulu.

WHAT MUST BE DONE – Issue 3: The Organising Committee of Nations without States – Jagdeesh Singh, Graham Williamson and Sockalingam Yogalingam – are determined that 2013 will see NwS move up a couple of gears! They will be organising meetings, talks, publications, demonstrations and much, much more.

What Must Be Done will be issued on a regular basis and will take the form of a publically-available organising bulletin. All NwS supporters are asked to read – and more importantly – act upon the instructions detailed below.

DEMO: Nations without States and the Imouhagh Organisation International for Justice & Equality recently held a demonstration at the French Embassy (in South West London) in support of the Tuareg people and Azawad independence. The demo was attended by Kurds, Baluchis, Sabah, Sarawak, Tamil, Tuareg, Rif, Matabele, English and Scots and representatives from the Sultanate of Sulu. The demo was filmed by Al Jazeera News.

We are keen to support as many self-determinist demonstrations as possible. If you are planning – or know of – a march, demo or picket, please contact Graham Williamson at or send him a Private Message via Facebook as soon as possible.

ENGLISH VOICE. ISSUE 1 – PDF COPY. Supporters of Nations without States may be interested in getting hold of issue 1 of English Voice. Although not an official NwS publication – it is the ‘Voice of the National Liberal Party in England’ – it would be of particular interest to English folks and the various Diaspora living in England.

English Voice shows how England is discriminated against by Westminster, as it’s the only ‘Home Nation’ that doesn’t have its own parliament. The English are also discriminated against via the ‘West Lothian’ Question and Barnet Formula.

To get hold of your copy, simply e-mail Graham Williamson at or send him a Private Message via Facebook – and ask for your FREE pdf copy of English Voice.

MEDIA (1): Representatives of Nations without States have given an interview with Thembani Dube – from Matebeleland – who hosts the Agenda4Action programme on uMthwakazi (1) and have also been interviewed by Dinesh Kumar of Global Tamil Vision (GTV). Here Graham Williamson provided an overview of the work of NwS, whilst Doris and Primrose put forward the case for Sabah, Sarawak and Matebeleland (2 – 7).

All self-determinists who wish to promote their national cause – via an interview on GTV – should get in touch with Nations without States as soon as possible.

MEDIA (2): Supporters of Nations without States are asked to send in details of their local media – both from the ‘Home Nations’ and the various Diaspora. This should include newspapers, magzines, TV and radio. If you are in touch with individual journalists please send details. We want to start sending out regular Press Releases so that we can focus media on the various struggles for self-determination and freedom.

We also need the details of as many web-sites, blogs and twitter that promote self-determination.







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