Friday, 18 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – Nations Without States – What Must Be Done (4)
WHAT MUST BE DONE (4): Welcome to issue 4 of What Must Be Done, the publically-available organising bulletin of Nations without States. NwS supporters are asked to read – and more importantly – act upon the instructions detailed below.

NATION – ISSUE 1 – HARD COPY: The first issue of Nation – the ‘Newsletter of Nations without States’ – was published towards the end of last month. Many thanks are due to those NwS supporters who made donations towards printing costs. The publication of Nation represents a small (but very important) step forward for self-determinists throughout the world.

As can be seen, this issue prominently displays the flags of 30 nations who feel that they are being oppressed in one way or another. They include Balochistan, Catalonia, England, Matebeleland, Panjaab, Rif, Sabah, Sarawak, Sindh, Tamil Eelam and West Papua.

Nation declares that “all nations and peoples have the right to self-determination. The right to determine one’s destiny is universal. This includes the right of nations and peoples to choose their own political status as well as their own form of economic, cultural and social development.”

It notes that exercising the right to self-determination “will probably signal the end of many Empires and Superstates.”

Nation goes on to describe the various forms of oppression suffered by those who fight for self-determination. It concludes by stating that self-determinists of the world must unite and fight. “We need to follow a strategy which will be conducted both on the street and in the corridors of power.”

It is essential that we get all 2000 copies of Nation into the hands of self-determinist activists as soon as possible. They can then distribute it at various demonstrations and meetings. To get hold of your copy/copies simply send a Private Message to Graham Williamson via Facebook or e-mail Nations without States:

NATION – ISSUE 1 – PDF COPY: As Nation is printed on glossy paper it’s very expensive to post abroad. However, supporters of Nations without States who live outside of the UK can still get hold of a copy! Simply e-mail Graham Williamson at or send him a Private Message via Facebook – and ask for your FREE pdf copy of Nation.

The following should be read in conjunction with this article:

What Must Be Done – Issue 1:

What Must Be Done – Issue 2:

What Must Be Done – Issue 3:
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