Saturday, 7 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – National Liberal Trade Unionists – It’s Our NHS!

NATIONAL LIBERAL TRADE UNIONISTS – along with the vast majority of the general public – gave their whole-hearted support to the It’s Our NHS national demonstration held in London at the start of this month.

Here tens of thousands marched in support of the National Health Service. They marched against Tory cuts – driven by their lunatic Austerity agenda – and the creeping privatisation of the NHS.

The NLTU knows all too well the problems faced by the NHS. But slashing budgets, awarding derisory pay increases and cutting jobs will not make the situation any better. Indeed, the reverse is true – with many sections of the NHS now virtually on their knees.

We are also concerned at the way private companies are – slowly but surely – taking over sections of the NHS. Here they feel that they can make a profit out of the illness and misery of others. This is totally wrong. The NHS should remain a public service and resource – and not a profit making machine.

The NLTU would like to step up the fight in support of the NHS by producing a publication researched, written and distributed by NLTU Health Service workers. Indeed, we would like to produce publications for various different trades and professions. This would also include those involved in co-operatives, who are self-employed or who own small businesses or who view themselves as entrepreneurs.

If you think that you fit the bill and have something to say get in touch by e-mailing Do it today!

• FOR MORE information about the National Liberal Trade Unionists – NLTU – click here:

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