Friday, 26 July 2024

EURO ELECTIONS 2014 – Self-determination for all!
National Liberals regard the European Union’s desire for an ‘ever-closer union’ as a threat to the nation-state and thus we are ‘Euro-sceptic’. Ideally, we believe it should be reorganised, largely back to a trading organisation, but if that is not possible, a new relationship between the EU and the UK is urgently required.

We also recognise that there are many national groups worldwide who do not even have their nationality recognised let alone sanctified as a state. We believe all nations have the right to self-determination i.e. decide what form of government they prefer (absorption (in a larger state), autonomy, or independence).

In many parts of the world even calling for autonomy can land you in jail or worse. It is not surprising then that many peoples have had to flee their homelands in fear. A proportion have arrived in the UK, a historical sanctuary for political refugees from the Italian Mazzini (an early liberal nationalist) onwards. The largest number, and their children, live in London and certainly know what its like to be denied an identity.

Self-determination for all!

At the forthcoming Euro elections in 2014 we intend to stand on the ticket ‘National Liberal Party – Self-determination for all! which will include candidates from London’s ‘national’ Diaspora’s. Whilst re-iterating our belief that the nation-state and not a European superstate best suits our country, the candidates, including someone representing England, will be given an opportunity to promote their national cause. If you are a member of a nation struggling to be heard contact us at

Donate to make this happen

In order to stand we need a deposit of £5,000 and at least another £10,000+ for a London-wide leaflet. There are many other exciting plans for the campaign but first we must raise this necessary finance!

The party is launching the campaign with £1,000 but we need your help to reach our initial target of £15,000.

Please make a donation by clicking here or by sending a cheque or, if substantial a pledge to be redeemed before the election by e-mail, to our head office at PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PY.

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