Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Devon Worker Highlights Bad Housing and Anti-Social Behaviour

EARLY JANUARY saw Glen Maney – National Secretary of the National Liberal Party – issued a wide ranging statement in respect of the economy, Britain’s involvement in foreign wars and Trade Unions. (1)

Here he called for the Con-Dem government to stop its ‘slash and burn’ policy. Instead Cameron and Clegg should concentrate on creating – and not destroying – jobs.

Glen called upon the government to implement several measures, all of which would tackle unemployment. These included a system of limited protectionism, meaningful training schemes, apprenticeships and a jobs creation programme.

He also reiterated that the National Liberal Party was opposed to Britain’s role in foreign wars. “The money spent interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations would be better spent bailing out Britain.”

He then went on to call upon ordinary workers (especially those who would regard themselves as nationalist and liberal) to join Britain’s only independent, patriotic and libertarian Trade Union – Solidarity.

He noted that Solidarity Trade Union is “free-thinking and non-dogmatic in outlook” and that it represented all British workers and doesn’t “discriminate on grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, religion or politics.”

With this in mind the National Liberal Party has welcomed the appearance of the union’s first regional publication, Devon Worker.

Devon Worker’s main article – Slumdog Landlords! – looks at social problems that revolve around bad housing and associated Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). The paper says:

“Bad housing in Devon comes in many forms. Some is public housing – but much of it is found in the private rented sector. Take Torbay, for instance. Here many tenants with young families are forced to live in unsafe, appalling conditions. Unfortunately, some greedy and unscrupulous landlords only care about their income. They have little consideration for their tenants and neighbours.”

A smaller article – Read a real working class paper! – promotes STUs main paper, British Worker. It notes that the “great thing about British Worker is that it says what you think. There’s no Politically Correct rubbish and its articles are direct and straight to the point. As such, it’s the real voice of ordinary British working class families.”

The NLP would encourage all members and supporters in Devon (and beyond!) to get hold of a copy of Devon Worker. Furthermore, we would ask anyone who wants to help produce a publication either for their nation, region or trade to get in touch with Solidarity as soon as possible.

To get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Devon Worker simply e-mail and ask!


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