Friday, 18 October 2024

NLP says create jobs – don’t destroy them!

National liberal partyA SPOKESMAN for the National Liberal Party has called for the Con-Dem government to stop its ‘slash and burn’ policy. Instead Cameron and Clegg should concentrate on creating – and not destroying – jobs. He also called upon ordinary workers – especially those who would regard themselves as nationalist and liberal – to join Britain’s only independent, patriotic and libertarian Trade Union.

In a wide ranging statement NLP National Secretary Glen Maney said:

“Cuts involving the public sector – the very backbone of Britain – seem to be in the news every day. Jobs in health, welfare, schools and transport seem to be going by the shed load. This, in turn, also has an effect on the private sector – look at how some well-known high street names have recently gone into administration.

This government must be mad if they think that throwing people onto the scrapheap will solve anything. All Cameron and Clegg are doing is creating untold misery for hundreds of thousands of ordinary working people.”

Tackle unemployment

M r. Maney said that the NLP has many ideas which would tackle unemployment. These included a system of limited protectionism, meaningful training schemes, apprenticeships and a jobs creation programme.

He noted that “we’re always being told that Britain’s public services are at breaking point. So why not train up more doctors, nurses and other health care workers? Why not train more lecturers and teachers?”

The NLP man also suggested an emergency programme of national works:

“This would include re-building our transport infrastructure, cleaning up our towns and cities, making all dwellings fit and habitable and tending to the land”.

He also posed a question about lowering the age of retirement. “If we allowed workers to retire earlier – and paid them an adequate pension – how many thousands of jobs would that free up a year?”

Money wasted on foreign wars

He also reiterated that the National Liberal Party was opposed to Britain’s role in foreign wars. The money spent interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations would be better spent bailing out Britain.

“I can’t understand that, when it comes to war – be it in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya – the government always comes up with the money. Yet, for some bizarre reason there’s nothing available to get our own people off the dole and back into work!”

Returning to the theme of slashing jobs in the NHS, education and transport, the NLP General Secretary said “I can’t understand why the Con-Dem government is targeting the public sector. After all, it was the private sector – the banks and the speculators – that got us into the current financial mess. Therefore, I feel that we need to have a root and branch investigation into whole banking system.”

He noted:

“We’re supposed to be living in one of the richest countries in the world. So why do we have endless cycles of boom and bust? We need to find out why we have poverty in the midst of plenty.”

Progressive in nature

Mr. Maney concluded by advising workers – especially those who would regard themselves as liberal and patriotic – to join Solidarity Trade Union.

He said “I now, after extensive research because I didn’t like certain alleged links to the BNP in its’ early formation, view Solidarity as Britain’s only independent, patriotic and libertarian Trade Union. It’s free-thinking and non-dogmatic in outlook. I believe that it was once seen as simply a nationalist (perhaps even far-right?) union, but in reality it is very progressive in nature.

It’s pan-nationalist – in that it recognises patriotism is very much a ‘broad church’ – and seeks to accommodate those, like myself, who regard themselves as both patriotic and (politically) liberal.

For instance, it represents all British workers – it doesn’t discriminate on grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, religion or politics. It is currently representing British Muslim, Sri Lankan and Pakistani members as well as others in cases where they have been oppressed or discriminated against.

We all have individual rights whatever our political views

I know it is controversial, in that it will also defend the rights of workers whether they are far-left or right. It would be easy to walk away from an organisation that represents the interests of those workers that I/we are politically opposed to, but I’m taking a principled stand here. Either we all have rights – or none of us have rights.

In these uncertain economic times, I’d recommend that ordinary British workers join a Trade Union, especially Solidarity Trade Union, to give them an extra level of protection. I know the latter’s track record in protecting the rights of workers – it is second to none”.

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