Thursday, 19 September 2024


The National Liberal Recruitment campaign is showcasing five Key political issues and samples a footnote policy in each. The areas covered are the National Health Service, Democracy, Civil Liberties, Environment and the Economy. A leaflet explaining our position can be obtained here We will share with you our policies on key issues over the coming days.



The summer riots in towns and cities across the country, and the reaction of Government ministers clearly demonstrated how out of touch they are with issues which are of concern to ordinary people. We are certain; if local people had been consulted instead of ignored, many of the problems which fueled these riots could have been dealt with. Unfortunately we have had successive governments who seem more concerned with what happens on the streets of Kabul and Tripoli, than in Croydon or Tottenham.
There are also some major issues where the public are being ignored. Despite promises from both Labour and the Tories, the public have still not been consulted on our future in Europe. Despite growing concern by the general public over the safety of nuclear energy, the Government is still forging ahead with plans to construct more nuclear power stations. Despite concerns over immigration from people of all ethnic backgrounds, the Government will not ask people their views. In England, opinion polls show overwhelming support for the creation of an English Parliament, with increased calls for an independent England. Yet the Government denies the people of England the chance to vote on this. No doubt if another war which does not directly concern us looms on the horizon, the public will not be consulted again and more lives lost.


The National Liberal Party feels this is not right, and where major decisions need to be made, the electorate needs to be consulted. In Switzerland, arguably one of the most successful democracies in the world, referenda is regularly used, which proves beyond all doubt, consulting the people, and not ignoring them, can definitely work.

This is why the National Liberal Party is launching a petition to bring into effect referenda on major issues such as the ones mentioned. We feel the people have been ignored for long enough and the country mismanaged by politicians with their own concerns and aspirations at heart, and not those of the people or the country. We feel it is time to consult the people.


Whatever you party political affiliation and no matter who you vote for, if you feel the people need to be consulted and not ignored, please add your signature to our petition at

Our resident poet shares with us his take on Referendums.


Shouldn’t we change, for the electorate?

The not so perfect election rounds?

Such questions oft do reverberate

For decades amid the reformist minds.

Plenty of them local grievances,

Long overdue their amendments

Current anomalies-a hindrance

To a fair and democratic governance

First past the post electoral model,

The least efficient to capture all

Them minority needs-say this loud,

So the change to system make us proud.

People and ‘em needs are paramount,

Community issues and localised decisions,

More than relevant beyond parliament,

Being immune to change blunt people aspirations.

Much focus on macro challenges alienate micro needs,

Alienated micro needs create pockets of frustration.

Pockets of frustration burn bridges between communities.

Broken communities breed contempt beyond rehabilitation.

Let people re-inherit power to its full impact

Let us not curtail it just so it suits suited gent

Roaming clouds do know where them heading

Screaming masses too know of what they’re dreaming

Let referendum be a tool of change for masses well being.


August 2011.

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