Sunday, 8 September 2024

Caledonian Voice Says … Put Scotland First!



HERE’S THE latest hard-hitting e-poster from Caledonian Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland.

It’s the third in a series of e-posters which will look at different social and economic issues in Scotland. The first two e-posters can be found here:

• Caledonian Voice Says … Keep Scotland Out Of Foreign Wars!

• Caledonian Voice Says … Forget Vampires – The Banks Are The Real Bloodsuckers!

Caledonian Voice recently spoke to a Glasgow-based NLP supporter, Andrew Hunter, about the new e-poster. He said:

“I dream of true Scottish freedom. But this must be within the context of what I would term the ‘Conferderate States of the British Isles.’

By true Scottish freedom, I mean freedom from the stifling centralism of the EU, freedom from Globalism, freedom from all forms of totalitarianism.

Scottish freedom also means that Scotland should be as self-sufficient and self-reliant as is possible. Instead of letting thousands of Scots rot on the dole, we should be building and growing as much as possible ourselves. How many jobs would a system of national preference create?

Scottish freedom also means that we have to stop the system whereby 97% of all money is created by private banks out of nothing and lent to the public at interest. A National Bank of Scotland will promote sustainable growth by spending – and not lending – interest-free credit into the economy.”

Caledonian Voice would like to add its voice to what Andrew says. We too support devolution (sometimes called Devo-Max here in Scotland) to its fullest extent.  That’s why we say that it’s time to Put Scotland First!

• DEBATE is free with the NLP! The National Liberal Party would really appreciate your comments – good bad or indiffent – on the above article. To share your views, simply e-mail us or look out for this article on the National Liberals facebook site and have your say in the comments section.

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